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Releases: luiscarlosjayk/angular-facebook


17 Aug 10:18
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v0.2.2: Added Phonegap support

01 Dec 12:28
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In this version a new script for extending the angular-facebook module has being added.
It adds support for Phonegap implementations.

Any issue please report inmediately. Thanks

There is a Facebook Phonegap Plugin that should be explored.

v0.2.1: Updated angular-facebook.js

25 Nov 12:04
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Now, function passed to Facebook service methods through arguments is
not expected to be the last argument neccesarily, instead, it is
replaced in the same position it was passed.

This is needed in some cases like for the login method, which
accordingly to the Facebook API documentation, you can optionally pass
an object as last argument with extra options.

Since Facebook API methods which one of it's arguments is a function, has only one function and not more.

Also removed a blank space on the authResponseChange event name while registering it through angular events, which made it not work properly.

I promise promises from now and on

18 Nov 17:27
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Improved module, now the Facebook services return promises.

Also the loading has been improved using internal promise to avoid an issue it had in the first versions: which required the Facebook service to be injected in the first controller of the app, otherwise it didn't worked correctly in subsequent controllers of the app.

New Api and Custom Init Options set and get methods

26 Oct 10:17
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Thanks to @gafilson and @davidgengenbach for their contributions.

Fixed embeding facebook script at document head for IE 8.

Added Provider authResponse, frictionlessRequests and hideFlashCallback init options set and get methods.

Added Provider setInitCustomOption method to set arbitrary init options as required.

Added Provider getInitOption method to retrieve any init option.

Naming conventions

08 Oct 12:29
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Thanks to @mrzmyr contributions we have now lowercased and names sticking to conventions.

Module name is lowercased and removes the js at the end of it too.
angular-facebook instead of angularjs-facebook for repo and package
facebook instead of Facebook for module name

Sorry for the inconveniences, happily these are finally names we want to stick with.

First release

25 Sep 18:26
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Merge pull request #5 from mrzmyr/add-bower-support

add bower support