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Unified interface for multiple XML libraries

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Moxml: Modern XML processing for Ruby

Introduction and purpose

Moxml provides a unified, modern XML processing interface for Ruby applications. It offers a consistent API that abstracts away the underlying XML implementation details while maintaining high performance through efficient node mapping and native XPath querying.

Key features:

  • Intuitive, Ruby-idiomatic API for XML manipulation

  • Consistent interface across different XML libraries

  • Efficient node mapping for XPath queries

  • Support for all XML node types and features

  • Easy switching between XML processing engines

  • Clean separation between interface and implementation

Getting started

Install the gem and at least one supported XML library:

# In your Gemfile
gem 'moxml'
gem 'nokogiri'  # Or 'oga', or 'ox' when it is integrated

Basic document creation

require 'moxml'

# Create a new XML document
doc =

# Add XML declaration
doc.add_child(doc.create_declaration("1.0", "UTF-8"))

# Create root element with namespace
root = doc.create_element('book')
root.add_namespace('dc', '')

# Add content
title = doc.create_element('dc:title')
title.text = 'XML Processing with Ruby'

# Output formatted XML
puts doc.to_xml(indent: 2)

Working with documents

Using the builder pattern

The builder pattern provides a clean DSL for creating XML documents:

doc = do
  declaration version: "1.0", encoding: "UTF-8"

  element 'library', xmlns: '' do
    element 'book' do
      element 'title' do
        text 'Ruby Programming'

      element 'author' do
        text 'Jane Smith'

      comment 'Publication details'
      element 'published', year: '2024'

      cdata '<custom>metadata</custom>'

Direct document manipulation

doc =

# Add declaration
doc.add_child(doc.create_declaration("1.0", "UTF-8"))

# Create root with namespace
root = doc.create_element('library')
root.add_namespace(nil, '')
root.add_namespace("dc", "")

# Add elements with attributes
book = doc.create_element('book')
book['id'] = 'b1'

# Add mixed content
book.add_child(doc.create_comment('Book details'))
title = doc.create_element('title')
title.text = 'Ruby Programming'

XML objects and their methods

Document object

The Document object represents an XML document and serves as the root container for all XML nodes.

# Creating a document
doc =
doc =

# Document properties and methods
doc.encoding               # Get document encoding
doc.encoding = "UTF-8"     # Set document encoding
doc.version                # Get XML version
doc.version = "1.1"        # Set XML version
doc.standalone             # Get standalone declaration
doc.standalone = "yes"     # Set standalone declaration

# Document structure
doc.root                  # Get root element
doc.children              # Get all top-level nodes
doc.add_child(node)       # Add a child node
doc.remove_child(node)    # Remove a child node

# Node creation methods
doc.create_element(name)    # Create new element
doc.create_text(content)    # Create text node
doc.create_cdata(content)   # Create CDATA section
doc.create_comment(content) # Create comment
doc.create_processing_instruction(target, content) # Create PI

# Document querying
doc.xpath(expression)      # Find nodes by XPath
doc.at_xpath(expression)   # Find first node by XPath

# Serialization
doc.to_xml(options)        # Convert to XML string

Element object

Elements are the primary structural components of an XML document, representing tags with attributes and content.

# Element properties               # Get element name = "new_name"  # Set element name
element.text              # Get text content
element.text = "content"   # Set text content
element.inner_text        # Get text content for current node only
element.inner_xml         # Get inner XML content
element.inner_xml = xml   # Set inner XML content

# Attributes
element[name]             # Get attribute value
element[name] = value     # Set attribute value
element.attributes        # Get all attributes
element.remove_attribute(name) # Remove attribute

# Namespace handling
element.namespace         # Get element's namespace
element.namespace = ns     # Set element's namespace
element.add_namespace(prefix, uri) # Add new namespace
element.namespaces        # Get all namespace definitions

# Node structure
element.parent            # Get parent node
element.children          # Get child nodes
element.add_child(node)   # Add child node
element.remove_child(node) # Remove child node
element.add_previous_sibling(node) # Add sibling before
element.add_next_sibling(node)    # Add sibling after
element.replace(node)     # Replace with another node
element.remove           # Remove from document

# Node type checking
element.element?         # Returns true
element.text?           # Returns false
element.cdata?          # Returns false
element.comment?        # Returns false
element.processing_instruction? # Returns false

# Node querying
element.xpath(expression)  # Find nodes by XPath
element.at_xpath(expression) # Find first node by XPath

Text object

Text nodes represent character data in the XML document.

# Creating text nodes
text = doc.create_text("content")

# Text properties
text.content             # Get text content
text.content = "new"     # Set text content

# Node type checking
text.text?              # Returns true

# Structure
text.parent             # Get parent node
text.remove            # Remove from document
text.replace(node)      # Replace with another node

CDATA object

CDATA sections contain text that should not be parsed as markup.

# Creating CDATA sections
cdata = doc.create_cdata("<raw>content</raw>")

# CDATA properties
cdata.content           # Get CDATA content
cdata.content = "new"   # Set CDATA content

# Node type checking
cdata.cdata?           # Returns true

# Structure
cdata.parent           # Get parent node
cdata.remove          # Remove from document
cdata.replace(node)    # Replace with another node

Comment object

Comments contain human-readable notes in the XML document.

# Creating comments
comment = doc.create_comment("Note")

# Comment properties
comment.content         # Get comment content
comment.content = "new" # Set comment content

# Node type checking
comment.comment?        # Returns true

# Structure
comment.parent          # Get parent node
comment.remove         # Remove from document
comment.replace(node)   # Replace with another node

Processing instruction object

Processing instructions provide instructions to applications processing the XML.

# Creating processing instructions
pi = doc.create_processing_instruction("xml-stylesheet",
  'type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"')

# PI properties              # Get PI target = "new"      # Set PI target
pi.content            # Get PI content
pi.content = "new"     # Set PI content

# Node type checking
pi.processing_instruction? # Returns true

# Structure
pi.parent             # Get parent node
pi.remove            # Remove from document
pi.replace(node)      # Replace with another node

Attribute object

Attributes represent name-value pairs on elements.

# Attribute properties              # Get attribute name = "new"      # Set attribute name
attr.value            # Get attribute value
attr.value = "new"     # Set attribute value

# Namespace handling
attr.namespace         # Get attribute's namespace
attr.namespace = ns    # Set attribute's namespace

# Node type checking
attr.attribute?        # Returns true

Namespace object

Namespaces define XML namespaces used in the document.

# Namespace properties
ns.prefix             # Get namespace prefix
ns.uri               # Get namespace URI

# Formatting
ns.to_s              # Format as xmlns declaration

# Node type checking
ns.namespace?        # Returns true

Node traversal and inspection

Each node type provides methods for traversing the document structure:

node.parent               # Get parent node
node.children            # Get child nodes
node.next_sibling        # Get next sibling
node.previous_sibling    # Get previous sibling
node.ancestors           # Get all ancestor nodes
node.descendants         # Get all descendant nodes

# Type checking
node.element?           # Is it an element?
node.text?             # Is it a text node?
node.cdata?            # Is it a CDATA section?
node.comment?          # Is it a comment?
node.processing_instruction? # Is it a PI?
node.attribute?        # Is it an attribute?
node.namespace?        # Is it a namespace?

# Node information
node.document          # Get owning document
node.path              # Get XPath to node
node.line_number       # Get source line number (if available)

Advanced features

XPath querying and node mapping

Moxml provides efficient XPath querying by leveraging the native XML library’s implementation while maintaining consistent node mapping:

# Find all book elements
books = doc.xpath('//book')
# Returns Moxml::Element objects mapped to native nodes

# Find with namespaces
titles = doc.xpath('//dc:title',
  'dc' => '')

# Find first matching node
first_book = doc.at_xpath('//book')

# Chain queries
doc.xpath('//book').each do |book|
  # Each book is a mapped Moxml::Element
  title = book.at_xpath('.//title')
  puts "#{book['id']}: #{title.text}"

Namespace handling

# Add namespace to element
element.add_namespace('dc', '')

# Create element in namespace
title = doc.create_element('dc:title')
title.text = 'Document Title'

# Query with namespaces
  'dc' => '')

Accessing native implementation

While not typically needed, you can access the underlying XML library’s nodes:

# Get native node
native_node = element.native

# Get adapter being used
adapter = element.context.config.adapter

# Create from native node
element =, context)

Error handling

Moxml provides specific error classes for different types of errors that may occur during XML processing:

  doc = context.parse(xml_string)
rescue Moxml::ParseError => e
  # Handles XML parsing errors
  puts "Parse error at line #{e.line}, column #{e.column}"
  puts "Message: #{e.message}"
rescue Moxml::ValidationError => e
  # Handles XML validation errors
  puts "Validation error: #{e.message}"
rescue Moxml::XPathError => e
  # Handles XPath expression errors
  puts "XPath error: #{e.message}"
rescue Moxml::NamespaceError => e
  # Handles namespace errors
  puts "Namespace error: #{e.message}"
rescue Moxml::Error => e
  # Handles other Moxml-specific errors
  puts "Error: #{e.message}"



Moxml can be configured globally or per instance.

# Global configuration
Moxml.configure do |config|
  config.default_adapter = :nokogiri
  config.strict = true
  config.encoding = 'UTF-8'

# Instance configuration
moxml = do |config|
  config.adapter = :oga
  config.strict = false

Default adapter selection

To use an adapter other than :nokogiri as the global default, set it before processing any input using the following option.

Moxml::Config.default_adapter = <adapter-symbol>

Moxml supports the following adapters:


(default) Nokogiri, a wrapper around the libxml2 C library


Oga, a pure Ruby XML parser


Ox, a fast XML parser (not yet supported)

Thread safety

Moxml is thread-safe when used properly. Each instance maintains its own state and can be used safely in concurrent operations:

class XmlProcessor
  def initialize
    @mutex =
    @context =

  def process(xml)
    @mutex.synchronize do
      doc = @context.parse(xml)
      # Modify document

Performance considerations

Memory management

Moxml maintains a node registry to ensure consistent object mapping:

doc = context.parse(large_xml)
# Process document
doc = nil  # Allow garbage collection of document and registry
GC.start   # Force garbage collection if needed

Efficient querying

Use specific XPath expressions for better performance:

# More efficient - specific path

# Less efficient - requires full document scan

# Most efficient - direct child access

Best practices

Document creation

# Preferred - using builder pattern
doc = do
  declaration version: "1.0", encoding: "UTF-8"
  element 'root' do
    element 'child' do
      text 'content'

# Alternative - direct manipulation
doc =
doc.add_declaration(version: "1.0", encoding: "UTF-8")
root = doc.create_element('root')

Node manipulation

# Preferred - chainable operations
  .add_namespace('dc', '')

# Preferred - clear node type checking
if node.element?


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Copyright (c) 2024 Ribose Inc.

This project is licensed under the BSD-2-Clause License. See the LICENSE file for details.