Moxml provides a unified, modern XML processing interface for Ruby applications. It offers a consistent API that abstracts away the underlying XML implementation details while maintaining high performance through efficient node mapping and native XPath querying.
Key features:
Intuitive, Ruby-idiomatic API for XML manipulation
Consistent interface across different XML libraries
Efficient node mapping for XPath queries
Support for all XML node types and features
Easy switching between XML processing engines
Clean separation between interface and implementation
Install the gem and at least one supported XML library:
# In your Gemfile
gem 'moxml'
gem 'nokogiri' # Or 'oga', or 'ox' when it is integrated
require 'moxml'
# Create a new XML document
doc =
# Add XML declaration
doc.add_child(doc.create_declaration("1.0", "UTF-8"))
# Create root element with namespace
root = doc.create_element('book')
root.add_namespace('dc', '')
# Add content
title = doc.create_element('dc:title')
title.text = 'XML Processing with Ruby'
# Output formatted XML
puts doc.to_xml(indent: 2)
The builder pattern provides a clean DSL for creating XML documents:
doc = do
declaration version: "1.0", encoding: "UTF-8"
element 'library', xmlns: '' do
element 'book' do
element 'title' do
text 'Ruby Programming'
element 'author' do
text 'Jane Smith'
comment 'Publication details'
element 'published', year: '2024'
cdata '<custom>metadata</custom>'
doc =
# Add declaration
doc.add_child(doc.create_declaration("1.0", "UTF-8"))
# Create root with namespace
root = doc.create_element('library')
root.add_namespace(nil, '')
root.add_namespace("dc", "")
# Add elements with attributes
book = doc.create_element('book')
book['id'] = 'b1'
# Add mixed content
book.add_child(doc.create_comment('Book details'))
title = doc.create_element('title')
title.text = 'Ruby Programming'
The Document object represents an XML document and serves as the root container for all XML nodes.
# Creating a document
doc =
doc =
# Document properties and methods
doc.encoding # Get document encoding
doc.encoding = "UTF-8" # Set document encoding
doc.version # Get XML version
doc.version = "1.1" # Set XML version
doc.standalone # Get standalone declaration
doc.standalone = "yes" # Set standalone declaration
# Document structure
doc.root # Get root element
doc.children # Get all top-level nodes
doc.add_child(node) # Add a child node
doc.remove_child(node) # Remove a child node
# Node creation methods
doc.create_element(name) # Create new element
doc.create_text(content) # Create text node
doc.create_cdata(content) # Create CDATA section
doc.create_comment(content) # Create comment
doc.create_processing_instruction(target, content) # Create PI
# Document querying
doc.xpath(expression) # Find nodes by XPath
doc.at_xpath(expression) # Find first node by XPath
# Serialization
doc.to_xml(options) # Convert to XML string
Elements are the primary structural components of an XML document, representing tags with attributes and content.
# Element properties # Get element name = "new_name" # Set element name
element.text # Get text content
element.text = "content" # Set text content
element.inner_text # Get text content for current node only
element.inner_xml # Get inner XML content
element.inner_xml = xml # Set inner XML content
# Attributes
element[name] # Get attribute value
element[name] = value # Set attribute value
element.attributes # Get all attributes
element.remove_attribute(name) # Remove attribute
# Namespace handling
element.namespace # Get element's namespace
element.namespace = ns # Set element's namespace
element.add_namespace(prefix, uri) # Add new namespace
element.namespaces # Get all namespace definitions
# Node structure
element.parent # Get parent node
element.children # Get child nodes
element.add_child(node) # Add child node
element.remove_child(node) # Remove child node
element.add_previous_sibling(node) # Add sibling before
element.add_next_sibling(node) # Add sibling after
element.replace(node) # Replace with another node
element.remove # Remove from document
# Node type checking
element.element? # Returns true
element.text? # Returns false
element.cdata? # Returns false
element.comment? # Returns false
element.processing_instruction? # Returns false
# Node querying
element.xpath(expression) # Find nodes by XPath
element.at_xpath(expression) # Find first node by XPath
Text nodes represent character data in the XML document.
# Creating text nodes
text = doc.create_text("content")
# Text properties
text.content # Get text content
text.content = "new" # Set text content
# Node type checking
text.text? # Returns true
# Structure
text.parent # Get parent node
text.remove # Remove from document
text.replace(node) # Replace with another node
CDATA sections contain text that should not be parsed as markup.
# Creating CDATA sections
cdata = doc.create_cdata("<raw>content</raw>")
# CDATA properties
cdata.content # Get CDATA content
cdata.content = "new" # Set CDATA content
# Node type checking
cdata.cdata? # Returns true
# Structure
cdata.parent # Get parent node
cdata.remove # Remove from document
cdata.replace(node) # Replace with another node
Comments contain human-readable notes in the XML document.
# Creating comments
comment = doc.create_comment("Note")
# Comment properties
comment.content # Get comment content
comment.content = "new" # Set comment content
# Node type checking
comment.comment? # Returns true
# Structure
comment.parent # Get parent node
comment.remove # Remove from document
comment.replace(node) # Replace with another node
Processing instructions provide instructions to applications processing the XML.
# Creating processing instructions
pi = doc.create_processing_instruction("xml-stylesheet",
'type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"')
# PI properties # Get PI target = "new" # Set PI target
pi.content # Get PI content
pi.content = "new" # Set PI content
# Node type checking
pi.processing_instruction? # Returns true
# Structure
pi.parent # Get parent node
pi.remove # Remove from document
pi.replace(node) # Replace with another node
Attributes represent name-value pairs on elements.
# Attribute properties # Get attribute name = "new" # Set attribute name
attr.value # Get attribute value
attr.value = "new" # Set attribute value
# Namespace handling
attr.namespace # Get attribute's namespace
attr.namespace = ns # Set attribute's namespace
# Node type checking
attr.attribute? # Returns true
Namespaces define XML namespaces used in the document.
# Namespace properties
ns.prefix # Get namespace prefix
ns.uri # Get namespace URI
# Formatting
ns.to_s # Format as xmlns declaration
# Node type checking
ns.namespace? # Returns true
Each node type provides methods for traversing the document structure:
node.parent # Get parent node
node.children # Get child nodes
node.next_sibling # Get next sibling
node.previous_sibling # Get previous sibling
node.ancestors # Get all ancestor nodes
node.descendants # Get all descendant nodes
# Type checking
node.element? # Is it an element?
node.text? # Is it a text node?
node.cdata? # Is it a CDATA section?
node.comment? # Is it a comment?
node.processing_instruction? # Is it a PI?
node.attribute? # Is it an attribute?
node.namespace? # Is it a namespace?
# Node information
node.document # Get owning document
node.path # Get XPath to node
node.line_number # Get source line number (if available)
Moxml provides efficient XPath querying by leveraging the native XML library’s implementation while maintaining consistent node mapping:
# Find all book elements
books = doc.xpath('//book')
# Returns Moxml::Element objects mapped to native nodes
# Find with namespaces
titles = doc.xpath('//dc:title',
'dc' => '')
# Find first matching node
first_book = doc.at_xpath('//book')
# Chain queries
doc.xpath('//book').each do |book|
# Each book is a mapped Moxml::Element
title = book.at_xpath('.//title')
puts "#{book['id']}: #{title.text}"
# Add namespace to element
element.add_namespace('dc', '')
# Create element in namespace
title = doc.create_element('dc:title')
title.text = 'Document Title'
# Query with namespaces
'dc' => '')
While not typically needed, you can access the underlying XML library’s nodes:
# Get native node
native_node = element.native
# Get adapter being used
adapter = element.context.config.adapter
# Create from native node
element =, context)
Moxml provides specific error classes for different types of errors that may occur during XML processing:
doc = context.parse(xml_string)
rescue Moxml::ParseError => e
# Handles XML parsing errors
puts "Parse error at line #{e.line}, column #{e.column}"
puts "Message: #{e.message}"
rescue Moxml::ValidationError => e
# Handles XML validation errors
puts "Validation error: #{e.message}"
rescue Moxml::XPathError => e
# Handles XPath expression errors
puts "XPath error: #{e.message}"
rescue Moxml::NamespaceError => e
# Handles namespace errors
puts "Namespace error: #{e.message}"
rescue Moxml::Error => e
# Handles other Moxml-specific errors
puts "Error: #{e.message}"
Moxml can be configured globally or per instance.
# Global configuration
Moxml.configure do |config|
config.default_adapter = :nokogiri
config.strict = true
config.encoding = 'UTF-8'
# Instance configuration
moxml = do |config|
config.adapter = :oga
config.strict = false
To use an adapter other than :nokogiri
as the global default, set it before
processing any input using the following option.
Moxml::Config.default_adapter = <adapter-symbol>
Moxml supports the following adapters:
Moxml is thread-safe when used properly. Each instance maintains its own state and can be used safely in concurrent operations:
class XmlProcessor
def initialize
@mutex =
@context =
def process(xml)
@mutex.synchronize do
doc = @context.parse(xml)
# Modify document
Moxml maintains a node registry to ensure consistent object mapping:
doc = context.parse(large_xml)
# Process document
doc = nil # Allow garbage collection of document and registry
GC.start # Force garbage collection if needed
# Preferred - using builder pattern
doc = do
declaration version: "1.0", encoding: "UTF-8"
element 'root' do
element 'child' do
text 'content'
# Alternative - direct manipulation
doc =
doc.add_declaration(version: "1.0", encoding: "UTF-8")
root = doc.create_element('root')
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