This is an NREL public repository used for sensor impact evaluation and verification project funded by DOE. Specifically, the function of repository can evaluate the sensor impact, including sensor accuracy and sensor selection, on fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) performance.
The run of the modules in this repo relies on the fault building simulation data that calibrated on Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Flexible Research Platform. Check the Data section for download information.
This project is a work-in-progress and is temporarily in a personal repository, which in the future will be moved to after the account is set up by NREL's Information Technology Support team.
Authors: Liang Zhang, Matt Leach, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, January 18, 2021
Download and install the latest version of Conda (version 4.4 or above) Create a new conda environment:
$ conda create -n <name-of-repository> python=3.8 pip
$ conda activate <name-of-repository>
(If you’re using a version of conda older than 4.4, you may need to instead use source activate .)
Make sure you are using the latest version of pip:
$ pip install --upgrade pip
Install the environment needed for this repository:
$ pip install -e .[dev]
This module is developed based on the fault building simulation data that calibrated on Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Flexible Research Platform. The data include 22 fault types data under seven weathers from different climate zones. The details of physics-based modeling of the faulty buildings are introduced in this paper.
Downloading data is mandatory to use the classes in the repo,
The data can be downloaded here. Please contact [email protected] if there is any download issues.
The and provide modules to realize sensor impact evaluations. This repo contains three sub-classes that realize three modules used for sensor impact evaluation in FDD.
Sub-Class Name: sensor_accuracy_impact_FDD or SAIF
Sub-Class Name: sensor_selection_impact_FDD or SSIF
Sub-Class Name: sensor_accuracy_impact_sensor_selection or SAISS
Classifier using Ridge regression
Stochastic Gradient Descent - SGD
Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
C-Support Vector Classification
Nu-Support Vector Classification
Linear Support Vector Classification
Classifier implementing the k-nearest neighbors vote
Gaussian process classification (GPC) based on Laplace approximation
Naive Bayes classifier for multivariate Bernoulli models
Naive Bayes classifier for multinomial models
Histogram-based Gradient Boosting Classification Tree