PHP client library for the CloudStack User API v2.2 (Reference :
Generate with the CloudStack client generator qpleple/cloudstack-client-generator, others languages are available. Check out this project to know more about it.
Changes to the original: * Uses PHP's curl instead of PECL HttpRequest * Replaced each 4 whitespaces by a tabulator
$cloudstack = new CloudStackClient(API_ENDPOINT, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY);
$vms = $cloudstack->listVirtualMachines();
foreach ($vms as $vm) {
echo("{$vm->id} : {$vm->name} {$vm->state}<br>");
Asynchronous tasks
$job = $cloudstack->deployVirtualMachine(1, 259, 1);
echo("VM being deployed. Job id = {$job->jobid}<br>");
echo("All jobs :<br>");
foreach ($cloudstack->listAsyncJobs() as $job) {
echo("{$job->jobid} : {$job->cmd}, status = {$job->jobstatus}<br>");