This is a demonstration of how Blind Signature can be used in the scenario of E-Voting.
Read the reference or my presentation at INFAS 2017 for more information on how the schema works.
First clone the repo:
git clone
cd Crypto-Vote
Then build the frontend:
cd client # pwd = /path/to/repo/client
npm install
npm run build
Edit the database connection info:
cd ../server # pwd = /path/to/repo/server
vim index.js
Make sure you have already import db.sql
Last, start the server:
npm install
npm start
When no port is set in environment variable, port 5000
will be used.
Start both backend server and React dev server.
To start backend server, use:
# pwd = /path/to/repo/server
npm start
Before starting React dev server, change the proxy
in package.json
to backend server address.
Then start the React dev server:
cd ../client # pwd = /path/to/repo/client
npm start
Now use localhost:3000
(or the port React dev server used) to access Crypto-Vote.
J. Radwin, Michael & Phil Klein, Professor. (1997). An Untraceable, Universally Verifiable Voting Scheme.
蘇品長(Pin-Chang Su);葉昱宗(Yui-Chong Yeh)(2017)。新型態之電子投票機制設計。電子商務學報。19(1)。29-50。
Deploying a React app with React-Router and an Express Backend