# npm
$ npm install @macchiatojs/kernel
# yarn
$ yarn add @macchiatojs/kernel
I'm working to add full documentations as soon as possible <3.
// Express/Connect Style
import Macchiato, { Request, Response, Next } from "@macchiatojs/kernel";
const app = new Macchiato();
app.use((request: Request, response: Response, next?: Next) => {
response.body = "Hello World !"; // also you can use .send(200, "Hello World !")
// Koa Style
import Macchiato, { Context, Next } from "@macchiatojs/kernel";
const app = new Macchiato({ expressify: false });
app.use((context: Context, next?: Next) => {
context.response.body = "Hello World !"; // also you can use .send(200, "Hello World !")
If you want to use the famous koa-compose
for mws;
import Macchiato, { Context, Next } from "@macchiatojs/kernel";
// don't forget to add '@macchiatojs/wrap-koa-compose' and 'koa-compose'
import WrapKoaCompose from "@macchiatojs/wrap-koa-compose";
const app = new Macchiato({
koaCompose: new WrapKoaCompose<Context, Next>(),
If you have any problem or suggestion please open an issue.