JavaScript Library to animate background of block elements.
- Animation background using CSS sprite
- Control the animation to play, reverse, stop and rewind
- Animation is repeatable
- jQuery 1.7+
You can just play the animation as below.
Pass the option as the first argument.
$(element).moviePlay({ fps : 20, frames : 20, repeat : true, direction : "vertical" });
- fps (Integer) : Frame per second
- frames (Integer) : Total frames
- repeat (Boolean) : Repeat the animation or not
- direction (String) : Direction to move background ("vertical" || "horizontal")
You can control the animation with methods.
var ele = $(element); ele.moviePlay(); // Play ele.movieReverse(); // Reverse ele.movieStop(); // Stop ele.movieRewind(); // Back to the first frame
Pass the callback function as the second argument of moviePlay() or movieReverse().
It will be called when the animation end (If the "repeat" is false).
var ele = $(element); ele.moviePlay({}, function(){ // the first argument is option... alert("Complete !") });
If you want to use the same option when calling play or reverse,
initialize with movieInit() method.
var ele = $(element); ele.movieInit({frames:30, repeat:false}); ele.moviePlay(); ele.movieReverse();
You can create an instance of MovieCrop class,
and control the animation by calling its methods.
var mc = new MovieCrop(element, {fps:20, repeat:true});;
- play(callback) : Play the animation
- reverse(callback) : Reverse the animation
- rewind() : Back to the first frame
- nextFrame() : Go to the next frame
- prevFrame() : Go to the previous frame
- setFrame(frame) : Go to the selected frame
- 0.9.1 : rename "playback" to "reverse"
- 0.9 : release