Install Rocky Linux from local block device in UEFI mode
Boot server to Rescue Console, connect to server via ssh and run these commands as root:
# cd
# pacman --noconfirm --refresh --sync git
# git clone
# cd uefi-install-rocky-linux/
# vim uefi-install-rocky-linux
Edit variables block on the start of the script and enter apropriate custom values:
### variables ########################################################
### basic settings ###
# only_use_blockdevices = [ '/dev/disk/by-id/ata-INTEL_SSDSC2KB960G8_PHYF874700EG960CGN', '/dev/disk/by-id/ata-INTEL_SSDSC2KB960G8_PHYF87470114960CGN' ]
# kickstart_url = ''
# vnc_installation_enabled = True
# rocky_linux_version = 9
### advanced settings ###
# eth0_mac_address = '3c:ec:ef:29:73:44'
# eth1_mac_address = '3c:ec:ef:29:73:45'
# eth0_ipv4_address = ''
# eth0_ipv4_gateway = ''
# eth0_ipv4_netcidr = 24
# bootdev= 'eth0'
# nameservers_info = f'nameserver= nameserver= nameserver='
# rename_interface = f'ifname=eth0:{eth0_mac_address} ifname=eth1:{eth1_mac_address}'
# interface_config = f'{nameservers_info} {rename_interface} ip={eth0_ipv4_address}::{eth0_ipv4_gateway}:{eth0_ipv4_netcidr}::{bootdev}:none bootdev={bootdev}'
# linux_cmdline_extra = f'{interface_config}'
Save file after editing and run script for execution:
# ./uefi-install-rocky-linux
Script uefi-install-rocky-linux
will print error message if case of errors, or display summary screen in case if no errors in configuration block was detected.
Summary screen will be looks like this:
Install Rocky Linux 9.5
UEFI boot from /dev/disk/by-id/ata-INTEL_SSDSC2KB960G8_PHYF874700EG960CGN /dev/disk/by-id/ata-INTEL_SSDSC2KB960G8_PHYF87470114960CGN
Using kickstart
VNC password: E3klJrWI
IP addresses: 2001:0DB8:4ED2:3217::2
Press <Enter> to reboot
After pressing <Enter>
server will reboot and after reboot automatically start requested Rocky Linux installation, initiated from the local block device, in the UEFI mode.
Installing Rocky Linux fully and semi-automated possible using kickstart files, more details about creating Rocky Linux kickstart files - see in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Documentation, chapter Installing RHEL
, document Automatically installing RHEL