- malhooks - Collection of React Hooks.
- malcomponents - Collection of React components.
- malicons - Collection of icons for React.
- react-popover - The Popover component.
- react-modal - The Modal component is used to show content on top of an overlay.
- react-button-group - A button group is a set of two or more button segments.
- image-uploader - Image uploader UI
- malicons-site - Documentation site for malicons.
- react-boilerplate - React boilerplate.
- apage-client - Single-page websites for all kinds of things.
- framer - Interactive design tool.
- crypto-portfolio - Bitcoin & cryptocurrency portfolio tracker.
- confessions-client - A mutually supportive community where deeply emotional things you can't tell people you know can be told.
- polaroid-client - Polaroid is small, lean and pretty ✨ project-based-learning result heavily inspired by Instagram.
- reader - All-in-One news reader.
- reminders - To-Do App.
- qa-client - Unlimited private questions and answers in a searchable archive.
- infludb - The influencer marketing platform.
- redux-saga-recipes - Redux Saga recipes.
- asset-tracker-frontend - Software for maintenance & facilities.
- analytics-frontend - Simple analytics for startups.
- bakelane-client - Recovery and redistribution of safe and nutritious food client.
- noti - Todo app.
- company.com-frontend - My company website.
- bosnianswho.design - Directory of accomplished Bosnians in the IT industry.
- loyalty-program - Loyalty and engagement program web app, powered by Notion as a database.
- malcodeman.com - My online portfolio.
- mersihaceranic.com - Mersiha Karamustafić profile page.
- resumebuilder.dev - Free resume builder for developers.
- datamock - Random data generator.
- blockchain-explorer - Blockchain information for blocks & transactions.
- remithub - Find, compare and review money transfer providers.
- nft-marketplace - Simple NFT marketplace using opensea api.
- cookie-clicker - Cookie clicker clone.
- image-mods - Tools for working with images.
- logik - Platform for logical reasoning tests.
- yaml-2-env - Simple YAML to .env convertor.
- pomodoro-app - Small, simple and sweet time management app.
- bookmark-manager - Bookmark manager for power users.
- lurkstation - Content oriented reddit client which aims to show reddit images and videos in most efficient way possible.
- polaroid-server - Simple RESTful API that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
- apage-api - Simple RESTful mongoDB API.
- confessions-server - Simple RESTful mongoDB API.
- cmc-api-wrapper - Fast, reliable and unified data APIs to cryptocurrency markets.
- micro-reddit - Microservice for getting direct image | video links from subreddits.
- qa-server - Simple RESTful API imagined as a private, secure home for organization’s questions and answers.
- node-boilerplate - Node boilerplate.
- asset-tracker-backend - Simple REST API.
- analytics-backend - Simple graphQL mongoDB API.
- bakelane-api - Recovery and redistribution of safe and nutritious food api.
- i-am-rich-app - First iOS project.
- forum-android-app - Simple reddit clone.
- micro-instagram - Microservice for getting instagram images.
- micro-klix - Microservice for scraping klix articles.
- pygram - Static gallery generator.
- periodic-grid - Utilizes css grid, css modules, viewport units and typescript.
- sign-up-template - Grid based sign up page.
- gallery-generator-theme - Simple instagram-like image gallery.
- travel - Website for some imaginary travel agency.
- code-editor-theme - Template for code editor or similar software.
- login-page - Template for register/login page.
- blog-template - Minimal blog template.
- patterns - Neat example of CSS Grid and collection of my favourite patterns.
- things-clone - Yet another personal task manager.
- freelance-artist - Art and Illustration website.
- company.com-cms - CMS for my company website.
- year-progress-bot - Small telegram bot for showing year progress.
- birthday-bot - Birthday bot is a slack app for keeping track of office birthdays.
- gitstalk - Discover who's upto what on Github.
- weather-app - Shows weather.
- weather-api - Microservice for fetching current weather.