This is a variation of a board game called Five Tribes.
Board game itself was created by Bruno Cathala.
Check Backend repo here.
- React & Typescript
- Redux
- RTK Query
- Socket-io
Till the final version eveything could change.
Architecturally, the application has a modular structure.
In the root of the module lies a page that defines a module, often it is a HOC component.
In ui folder we can find ui components. Ui-providers folder represents components, providing necessary logic, needed for ui components to render the information.
This is so-called approach, when we distinguish 'dumb' and 'smart' components'. This approach is not often seen today, but I was heavily advertised for it, so I decided to conduct an experiment.
Final version vill be probably hosted on Heroku. Before that, you still won't be able to play the game just by installing github repo, because I won't share my .env file.