Adds a "Drawn Cross Links" layer that will highlight crossing segments of drawn polylines and polygons.
This is a plugin for Ingress Intel Total Conversion (IITC).
This plugin will clearly highlight any drawn segment that crosses any other previusly drawn segment.
Click here and your userscript manager should do it.
This plugin requires:
- draw tools: Obviously...
- cross links: Needed for its accurate "greatCircleArcIntersect" function
Install it and make sure the "Drawn Cross Links" layer is activated.
The plugin has been tested with the following versions (current at the time of writing) on IITC desktop:
- draw tools version
- cross links version
Modifications of both plugins might work as long as they do not change the original plugin behavior too much.
- Crosslinks Enhancements: drawn items color selection
- 2019-07-09 (version 1.0)
- Initial Release