- 👋 Hi, I’m @marco-quicula
Organized, responsible, committed, self-taught professional with extensive experience in the development, analysis, and implementation of corporate systems, especially focused on Java technologies. In addition, I have a solid understanding of .NET technologies due to previous experience.
I seek to channel my experience and skills, both technical and behavioral, to support and develop teams in companies that recognize the importance of digital transformation in enhancing products and services. I believe that this approach is fundamental to boosting not only the organization but also the market in which it operates.
My performance in the teams where I have been present is remarkable, and I am often recognized as a leader who facilitates collaboration and encourages collective growth. My ability to involve and motivate colleagues has contributed to the successful delivery of high-quality projects. I am always open to discussions and explorations of challenges, as well as enriching exchanges of experiences.
I share an interest in exchanging insights, ideas, and perspectives. This is an open invitation to explore ways to drive innovation and achieve exceptional results through the inspiring exchange of experiences. Feel free to get in touch and start this collaborative journey.
Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals
- My Virtual Hub (My Organization)
Additionally, I also have project repositories hosted in the organization My Virtual HUB.
Website: www.myvirtualhub.com.br
GitHub Stats by anuraghazra
My Octocats (Techie and CodeCaster) by myoctocat