About The Project • Tools Used • Set Up • Installation • Oauth Integration • How To Use • Roadmap • Contributing • Acknowledgements

The frontend of Artspiration provides users with a daily art piece that they can like, dislike, and add to their artboard in hopes to give users a way to find new artwork and exciting new artists.
- Google OAuth Implementation for user login and registration
- Building a frontend app that consumes backend APIs
- Exposing endpoints and consuming JSON responses
- Setting up continuous integration and continuous deployment
- Using an Agile process throughout development
- Using project management tool Github Project
- Demoing project to the project manager
- Handling large group dynamics with short 3 day sprints
Development | Testing | Gems |
Ruby 2.7.2 | RSpec | Pry |
Rails 5.2.5 | WebMock | ShouldaMatchers |
JSON | VCR | Faraday |
Atom | SimpleCov | Figaro |
Github | FactoryBot | FastJSON |
TravisCI | Faker | Bootstrap |
Heroku | Omniauth |
- To clone and run this application, you'll need Ruby 2.7.2 and Rails 2.5.3. Using rbenv you can install Ruby 2.7.2 (if you don't have it already) with:
rbenv install 2.7.2
- With rbenv you can set up your Ruby version for a directory and all subdirectories within it. Change into a directory that will eventually contain this repo and then run:
rbenv local 2.7.2
You can check that your Ruby version is correct with ruby -v
- Once you have verified your Ruby version is 2.7.2, check if you have Rails. From the command line:
rails -v
- If you get a message saying rails is not installed or you do not have version 5.2.5, run
gem install rails --version 5.2.5
- You may need to quit and restart your terminal session to see these changes show up
In the terminal
- Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/marlitas/ArtspirationFE.git
- Install gems:
bundle install
- Setup the database:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
We integrated Google Oauth into the application as both a learning goal, and a way to make app functionality easier for the user. By using the gem omniauth, we also open more opportunities to integrate further Oauth providers into our app such as: facebook, twitter, github, and more.
To use artspiration you can visit our homepage and login with your google account. From there you will see a randomly chosen art piece, that will start to be curated by our recommendation engine after you have rated 4 pieces. Our images are sent through Google's Cloud Vision API, returning labels that we store and rank in our database. Our recommendation engine then uses a content-filtering methodology to predict art each user may like. A dot product algorithm runs through all categories a user has ranked and all categories associated with an art piece to calculate a recommendation score.
Through your dashboard you can access an index page that contains all the work you have liked in the past, as well as a show page for each image. Logout to end your session!
👤 Jacob Piland
👤 Marla Schulz
👤 Kim Abcouwer
👤 Jason Knoll
👤 Alex Klick
👤 Dee H
- Turing School of Software and Design
- Project created for completion towards Backend Engineering Program
- Artsy API
- Google Cloud Vision API