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Create Angular Dynamic Forms with only JSON configuration. Full grid layout supported.

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πŸ“š Table of Contents

βœ… Key Features

  • πŸ”Ή Dynamic Form Rendering – Generate Angular forms dynamically from JSON configuration.
  • πŸ”Ή Responsive Grid System – Automatically arranges form fields in a flexible grid layout.
  • πŸ”Ή Supports Angular Reactive Forms – Easily integrates with FormGroup and FormControl.
  • πŸ”Ή Server-Driven Forms Support – Fetch form configurations from an API and dynamically render fields.
  • πŸ”Ή Alias-Based Component Mapping – Use string-based aliases for controlType instead of direct component references.
  • πŸ”Ή Custom Component Support – Extend the form factory with your own form field components.
  • πŸ”Ή Built-in Example Components – Includes two test field components for quick setup and reference.
  • πŸ”Ή Validation Handling – Supports Angular’s Validators for real-time form validation.
  • πŸ”Ή Field Grouping – Nest multiple fields inside a single column to create complex forms.
  • πŸ”Ή Event Emitters – Listen to form changes, value updates, and submission events.
  • πŸ”Ή Multi-Step Forms Support – Allows building wizard-style step-based forms.
  • πŸ”Ή Lightweight & Optimized – Designed for performance, minimal dependencies, and easy integration.

πŸ“¦ Installation

To install ngx-dynamic-forms-factory, run the following command in your Angular project:

npm install ngx-dynamic-forms-factory

πŸ“Œ Example Usage

For a complete example of how to use ngx-dynamic-forms-factory in a real-world scenario, check out the example project:

πŸ”— Example Usage

πŸš€ Usage

1️⃣ Add Styles to angular.json

Before using the library, include the required styles in your angular.json file under the styles array:

"styles": [

2️⃣ Basic Example of Usage

Import the necessary components and services in your Angular component:

// your-angular-component.compontnt.ts

import { FormFactoryComponent, FormFactoryService } from 'ngx-dynamic-forms-factory';
import jsonFormExample from './json-form-example';

  selector: 'app-root',
  imports: [FormFactoryComponent, CommonModule],
  template: `
      <ngx-form-factory [form]="form" [formFields]="formFields()" />

      {{ form.getRawValue() | json }}
export class AppComponent {
  form!: FormGroup;
  formFields = signal<any[]>([]);
  formFactory = inject(FormFactoryService);

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.form = this.formFactory.createForm(jsonFormExample);

🌐 Using Aliases for Server-Provided JSON Configuration

If you need to provide form JSON configuration from a server API, you can use aliases for controlType instead of directly referencing component classes.

πŸ”Ή Example:

Instead of:

  "controlType": InputFieldComponent

You can use:

  "controlType": "input"

This allows you to dynamically map string-based aliases to your components.

πŸ›  Registering Aliases in app.config.ts

To define aliases and their corresponding components, use provideFormFactoryConfig in your app configuration:

import { provideFormFactoryConfig } from 'ngx-dynamic-forms';
import { MyCustomInputComponent } from './components/my-custom-input.component';

export const appConfig = {
  providers: [
      aliases: [{ component: MyCustomInputComponent, alias: 'input' }],

With this setup, any field with "controlType": "input" will automatically be rendered using MyCustomInputComponent.

This approach is useful when working with server-driven forms, allowing you to configure forms dynamically without modifying frontend code.

πŸ“ Responsive Grid System (colSize Classes)

The colSize property controls how form fields are positioned in a responsive grid layout. It follows a 12-column grid system, like Tailwind CSS, but uses the prefix ui-.

πŸ”Ή Column Sizing (1 to 12)

Each field can span between 1 and 12 columns in the grid.

Class Effect
ui-col-span-1 The field spans 1 grid column.
ui-col-span-2 The field spans 2 grid columns.
ui-col-span-3 The field spans 3 grid columns.
ui-col-span-4 The field spans 4 grid columns.
ui-col-span-5 The field spans 5 grid columns.
ui-col-span-6 The field spans 6 grid columns (half of the grid).
ui-col-span-7 The field spans 7 grid columns.
ui-col-span-8 The field spans 8 grid columns.
ui-col-span-9 The field spans 9 grid columns.
ui-col-span-10 The field spans 10 grid columns.
ui-col-span-11 The field spans 11 grid columns.
ui-col-span-12 The field takes the full width (12 columns).

πŸ“ Responsive Breakpoints

You can make the field adjust dynamically across different screen sizes by adding responsive prefixes:

Breakpoint Prefix Example
Small sm: sm:ui-col-span-6 (6 columns on small screens)
Medium md: md:ui-col-span-4 (4 columns on medium screens)
Large lg: lg:ui-col-span-3 (3 columns on large screens)
Extra Large xl: xl:ui-col-span-2 (2 columns on extra-large screens)

πŸ“ Grid System Configuration

By default, this library uses a 12-column grid system to organize form fields in a responsive layout. The grid system applies to both main forms and nested field groups.

πŸ”Ή Default Grid Configuration

The default grid system uses 12 columns and applies spacing between elements:

grid: {
  mainGridClassess: 'ui-grid ui-grid-cols-12 ui-gap-x-4 ui-gap-y-2',
  nestedGridClassess: 'ui-grid ui-grid-cols-12 ui-gap-x-4 ui-gap-y-2',

πŸ— mainGridClassessβ†’ Defines the grid layout for the entire form. πŸ“¦ nestedGridClassess β†’ Defines the grid layout for nested field groups inside the form. πŸ”Ή ui-grid-cols-X β†’ X-column grid system (X can be number from 1 to 12). πŸ”Ή ui-gap-x-4 β†’ Horizontal spacing between columns. πŸ”Ή ui-gap-y-2 β†’ Vertical spacing between rows.

πŸ”Ή Custom Grid Configuration (Tailwind, PrimeFlex, etc.)

If you do not want to use the library’s built-in grid system and prefer using Tailwind CSS, PrimeFlex, or another utility-based grid, you can override the default grid configuration.

Modify your app.config.ts to provide your custom grid classes:

import { provideFormFactoryConfig } from 'ngx-dynamic-forms-factory';

export const appConfig = {
  providers: [
      grid: {
        mainGridClassess: 'grid grid-cols-10 gap-2', // Custom Tailwind
        nestedGridClassess: 'grid grid-cols-6 gap-x-4 gap-y-2',

If you override the grid system, you do not need the library’s CSS styles anymore. You can remove the default styles from angular.json.

πŸ“„ Defining Form Fields in an External File

To keep the form configuration modular and reusable, define the form fields in an external file. The fields are created using the createField function and exported as an array.

Example: json-form-example.ts

Create a file named json-form-example.ts and add the following:

import { Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { createField, InputField } from 'ngx-dynamic-forms-factory';

export default [
    colSize: 'ui-col-span-12 sm:ui-col-span-4',
    controlType: InputField,
    label: 'Name',
    placeholder: 'Enter name',
    type: 'text',
    options: {
      formControlName: 'name',
      value: 'Test',
      disabled: false,
      validators: [Validators.minLength(3), Validators.required, Validators.maxLength(10)],

πŸ›  Built-in Example Fields & Custom Component Support

This library provides two example field components intended for testing and demonstration purposes.

If you want to add your own custom components, you can check out the example implementation here: πŸ”— Custom Components Example

This guide explains how to create and register custom form components to extend the functionality of ngx-dynamic-forms-factory. Also you can see how to implement error handling and manual value updating without formControlName.

πŸ“Œ Field Types and Examples

The createField function is used to create form fields based on different interfaces. Below is a table of available field types and their descriptions.

Interface Description
InputField EXAMPLE FIELD! Standard text input field with validation and placeholder.
SelectField EXAMPLE FIELD! Dropdown select field with predefined options.
UIElement Used to insert a custom UI component into the form.
FieldGroup Groups multiple fields together in a single column in the grid layout.
GenericField Base interface for extending and creating custom fields.

πŸ”Ή Example Usage of Each Field Type

πŸ“Œ InputField

import { Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { createField, InputField } from 'ngx-dynamic-forms-factory';

    colSize: 'ui-col-span-12 sm:ui-col-span-4',
    controlType: InputField,
    label: 'Name',
    placeholder: 'Enter name',
    type: 'text',
    options: {
        formControlName: 'name',
        value: '',
        validators: [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(3)],
    ... // Other fields

πŸ“Œ SelectField

import { createField, SelectField } from 'ngx-dynamic-forms-factory';

    colSize: 'ui-col-span-12 sm:ui-col-span-4',
    controlType: SelectField,
    label: 'Country',
    selectOptions: [
        { id: 'us', name: 'United States' },
        { id: 'ca', name: 'Canada' },
    selectValue: 'id',
    selectLabel: 'name',
    options: {
        formControlName: 'country',
        value: '',
        validators: [],
    ... // Other fields

πŸ“Œ UIElement

import { createField, UIElement } from 'ngx-dynamic-forms-factory';
import { CustomTitleComponent } from './custom-title.component';

    colSize: 'ui-col-span-12',
    controlType: CustomTitleComponent,
    data: { title: 'Personal Information' },
    ... // Other fields

πŸ“Œ FieldGroup

import { createField, FieldGroup, InputField } from 'ngx-dynamic-forms-factory';

    colSize: 'ui-col-span-12 sm:ui-col-span-4',
    group: [
        colSize: 'ui-col-span-12',
        controlType: InputField,
        label: 'Email',
        placeholder: '[email protected]',
        type: 'email',
        options: {
            formControlName: 'email',
            value: '',
            validators: [, Validators.required],
        ... // Other fields
    ... // Other fields

πŸ“Œ GenericField

import { createField, GenericField } from 'ngx-dynamic-forms-factory';

interface CustomToggleField extends GenericField {
  myCustomOption: string;