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unkcpz committed May 29, 2023
1 parent f721947 commit 1c83d1a
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Showing 4 changed files with 352 additions and 6 deletions.
21 changes: 20 additions & 1 deletion Vagrantfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ launch_gui = ENV.has_key?('VAGRANT_NO_GUI') ? false : true
# Currently on GitHub Actions it fails if accelerate3d activated
on_ci = ENV.has_key?('VAGRANT_ON_GH') ? true : false

$script = <<-SCRIPT
echo "I am provisioningi aiidalab folder creating..."
mkdir -p ${AIIDALAB_VOL}
chown 1000:100 ${AIIDALAB_VOL}
chmod 0775 ${AIIDALAB_VOL}

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|

## VIRTUALBOX provider
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,7 +87,7 @@ Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# Disable the default shared folder of vagrant
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true

# provisioner: set up VM via ansible. To (re-)run this step:
# provisioner: set up VM with ansible. To (re-)run this step:
# vagrant provision --provision-with ansible
# Note we use a static inventory, see: :private_network, ip: gconfig["ansible_host"]
Expand All @@ -95,4 +103,15 @@ Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# Ensure that public key auth is not disabled by the user's config
ansible.raw_ssh_args = ['-o PubKeyAuthentication=yes -o DSAAuthentication=yes']
# Create a folder for AiiDAlab volume mount. To (re-)run this step:
# vagrant provision --provision-with shell
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $script
# provisioner: set up VM with docker. To (re-)run this step:
# vagrant provision --provision-with docker
config.vm.provision "docker" do |d| "",
daemonize: true,
restart: "always",
args: "-e JUPYTER_TOKEN='easy' -p 8888:8888 -v /var/aiidalab_volume:/home/jovyan"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion inventory.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ all:
vm_cpus: 2
vm_vram: 128
vm_headless: false
vm_browser: chromium-browser # 'chromium-browser' or 'firefox'
vm_browser: firefox # 'chromium-browser' or 'firefox'
vm_data_folder: "/usr/local/share" # this is used to put shared data files in
# vm_shared_folder: "/shared" # this is currently inactive in Vagrant config
vm_timezone: "Europe/Zurich"
Expand Down
327 changes: 327 additions & 0 deletions playbook-qe.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
- name: Prepare for VM build

hosts: "{{ build_hosts | default('vagrant-ssh') }}"
gather_facts: false


- name: test configuration
tags: [init]
msg: RUNNING PLAYBOOK FOR '{{ vm_name }}' VERSION '{{ vm_version }}'

- name: testing ansible environment
tags: [init]
msg: Connecting to host '{{ inventory_hostname }}' as user '{{ ansible_user }}'

- name: Install linux-headers-generic for guest-additions
tags: [init]
when: "inventory_hostname.startswith('vagrant')"
become: true
cache_valid_time: 86400 # One day
- linux-headers-generic

- name: Make local dist folder
tags: [init]
module: file
state: directory
path: "{{ local_dist_folder }}/"
when: release_notes_locally is defined and release_notes_locally

- name: Build VM
hosts: "{{ build_hosts | default('vagrant-ssh') }}"


# Generic Tasks
# These tasks are run for any VM build, regardless of the software installed
# They setup the VM user, commandline interface, and (optionally) desktop GUI

- name: Update system package managers (apt, pip)
tags: [init]
include_tasks: local/tasks/ensure-apt-pip.yml

- name: "Add QM user '{{ vm_user }}'"
tags: [add_user, ci_test]
import_tasks: local/tasks/add-qm-user.yml

- name: "Add release notes section for the operating system"
tags: [release_notes]
import_tasks: local/tasks/release-notes-system.yml

- name: Customise bash terminal for QM
tags: [customise-bash]
become: true
become_user: "{{ vm_user }}"
import_tasks: local/tasks/customise-bash.yml

- name: Install common text editors
tags: [editors]
name: marvel-nccr.editors
editors_vm_user: "{{ vm_user }}"

- name: Add desktop GUI
tags: [ubuntu_desktop]
when: not vm_headless
name: marvel-nccr.ubuntu_desktop
ubuntu_desktop_vm_user: "{{ vm_user }}"
ubuntu_desktop_browser: "{{ vm_browser }}"

- name: Customise GUI for QM
tags: [customise-gui]
when: not vm_headless
become: true
become_user: "{{ vm_user }}"
import_tasks: local/tasks/customise-gui.yml

- name: Setup QM to run simulations
tags: [simsetup]
import_tasks: local/tasks/simulation-setup.yml

- name: Creates directory for AiiDAlab home mount
become: true
path: /home/vagrant/aiidalab
state: directory
owner: vagrant
group: users
mode: 0775
recurse: yes

# Build Specific Tasks
# These tasks can be customised for specific VM builds,
# depending on the software one requires to be installed

# - name: "Add user README"
# tags: [add_readme]
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ vm_user }}"
# template:
# src: local/tasks/files/
# dest: "{{ readme_vm_path }}"
# vars:
# software_urls:
# Quantum ESPRESSO:

# - name: Install plotting tools (via apt)
# # TODO we may want to eventually install these with conda
# # (jmol and gnuplot are already installed via conda-forge)
# tags: [plotting]
# import_tasks: local/tasks/plotting-tools.yml
# vars:
# packages: [grace, xcrysden, default-jre]

# - name: install SLURM service
# tags: [slurm]
# import_role:
# name: marvel-nccr.slurm

# # TODO control version
# # could install with conda, but how to set up the systemd service?
# - name: install RabbitMQ server service
# tags: [rabbitmq]
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ root_user }}"
# import_tasks: local/tasks/rabbitmq.yml

# # TODO control version
# # could install with conda, but how to set up the systemd service?
# - name: install PostrgeSQL server service
# tags: [postgresql]
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ root_user }}"
# import_tasks: local/tasks/postgresql.yml

# - name: install conda+mamba
# tags: [conda]
# import_role:
# name: chrisjsewell.conda.user_install
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ vm_user }}"
# vars:
# conda_folder: "~/.conda"
# conda_installer_url:
# conda_installer_checksum: sha256:16c7d256de783ceeb39970e675efa4a8eb830dcbb83187f1197abfea0bf07d30
# conda_activate_alias: workon

# - name: Install code environment
# tags: [code-envs]
# # TODO ideally this would be import_tasks, but then we can't use loop
# include_tasks: local/tasks/conda-env-install.yml
# vars:
# conda_env: "{{ }}"
# code_packages: "{{ item.pkgs }}"
# # TODO allow for `conda env config vars set` to be used,
# # e.g. for export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
# loop:
# # note here we specify exact versions of libxc/openmpi/mpich
# # this is because we want conda to re-use as many packages as possible
# # since re-used packages do not incur more disk memory usage
# - {name: qespresso, pkgs: [qe=7.2, libxc=5.2.3, openmpi=4.1.2]}
# - {name: visualise, pkgs: [jmol, gnuplot, cif2cell, python=3.9]}
# loop_control:
# label: "{{ }}"

# - name: Install AiiDA environment
# tags: [aiida-env]
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ vm_user }}"
# import_tasks: local/tasks/aiida-conda-env.yml
# vars:
# conda_env: "{{ aiida_conda_env }}"
# aiida_packages:
# - python=3.9
# - pip
# - aiida-core=2
# - aiida-core.notebook
# - aiida-quantumespresso=4
# - aiida-pseudo=1
# - ipykernel
# - jupyterlab
# - jupyterlab-tour
# - jupyterlab-spellchecker
# - mamba_gator # Provides Conda/Mamba management as a standalone application or as extension for JupyterLab.

# - name: Create an aiida-profile
# tags: [aiida-profile]
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ vm_user }}"
# import_tasks: local/tasks/aiida-profile.yml
# vars:
# name: "{{ aiida_profile }}"
# aiida_run_verdi: "~/.conda/bin/conda run -n {{ aiida_conda_env }} verdi"
# postgres_user: postgres
# parameters:
# first_name: Max
# last_name: Scientist
# email: aiida@localhost
# institution: Quantum Mobile
# db_host: localhost
# db_port: 5432
# db_name: aiidadb
# db_username: aiida
# db_password: "ne9N_LDK-*JSS"
# daemon_service: true

# - name: Create AiiDA Jupyter service
# tags: [aiida-jupyter]
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ vm_user }}"
# import_tasks: local/tasks/aiida-jupyter.yml

# - name: "Create AiiDA computers"
# tags: [aiida-computers]
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ vm_user }}"
# verdi_computer:
# verdi: "~/.conda/bin/conda run -n {{ aiida_conda_env }} verdi"
# profile: "{{ aiida_profile }}"
# label: "{{ item.l }}"
# scheduler: "{{ item.s }}"
# transport: core.local
# hostname: localhost
# work_dir: "~/.aiida_run"
# mpirun_command: "mpirun -np {tot_num_mpiprocs}"
# mpiprocs_per_machine: 2
# configure: "--safe-interval=0"
# loop:
# - {l: local_direct, s:}
# - {l: local_slurm, s: core.slurm}
# loop_control:
# label: "{{ item.l }}"

# - name: "Add AiiDA Codes"
# tags: [aiida-codes]
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ vm_user }}"
# verdi_code:
# verdi: ~/.conda/bin/conda run -n {{ aiida_conda_env }} verdi
# profile: "{{ aiida_profile }}"
# label: "{{ item.label }}"
# description: "Local code for '{{ item.exec }}' in Conda env '{{ item.env }}'"
# computer: local_slurm
# input_plugin: "{{ item.plugin }}"
# remote_abs_path: "/home/max/.conda/envs/{{ item.env }}/bin/{{ item.exec }}"
# prepend_text: |
# ulimit -s unlimited
# eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
# conda activate {{ item.env }}
# {{ item.prepend | default('') }}
# loop_control:
# label: "{{ item.label }}"
# loop:
# - {label:, plugin:, env: qespresso, exec: pw.x, prepend: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1}
# - {label: qe.cp, plugin: quantumespresso.cp, env: qespresso, exec: cp.x, prepend: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1}
# - {label: qe.pp, plugin: quantumespresso.pp, env: qespresso, exec: pp.x, prepend: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1}
# - {label:, plugin:, env: qespresso, exec: ph.x, prepend: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1}
# - {label: qe.neb, plugin: quantumespresso.neb, env: qespresso, exec: neb.x, prepend: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1}
# - {label: qe.epw, plugin: quantumespresso.epw, env: qespresso, exec: epw.x, prepend: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1}
# - {label: qe.projwfc, plugin: quantumespresso.projwfc, env: qespresso, exec: projwfc.x, prepend: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1}
# - {label: qe.pw2wannier90, plugin: quantumespresso.pw2wannier90, env: qespresso, exec: pw2wannier90.x, prepend: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1}
# - {label: qe.dos, plugin: quantumespresso.dos, env: qespresso, exec: dos.x, prepend: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1}
# - {label: qe.q2r, plugin: quantumespresso.q2r, env: qespresso, exec: q2r.x, prepend: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1}
# - {label: qe.matdyn, plugin: quantumespresso.matdyn, env: qespresso, exec: matdyn.x, prepend: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1}
# - {label: nwchem.main, plugin: nwchem.nwchem, env: nwchem, exec: nwchem}
# - {label: siesta.main, plugin: siesta.siesta, env: siesta, exec: siesta}
# - {label: cp2k.main, plugin: cp2k, env: cp2k, exec: cp2k.psmp}
# - {label: abinit.main, plugin: abinit, env: abinit, exec: abinit}

# TODO release notes for aiida computers/codes

# - name: Download and install SSSP potentials
# tags: [aiida-pseudo]
# import_tasks: local/tasks/aiida-pseudo-sssp.yml
# vars:
# # for quantum mobile
# aiida_pseudo_cmd: "~/.conda/bin/conda run -n {{ aiida_conda_env }} aiida-pseudo"
# aiida_pseudo_base_folder: "{{ vm_data_folder }}"
# aiida_pseudo_functional: PBE
# aiida_pseudo_protocol: efficiency
# aiida_pseudo_version: "1.1"
# aiida_pseudo_profile: "{{ aiida_profile }}"

# - name: Download and install DOJO potentials
# tags: [aiida-pseudo]
# import_tasks: local/tasks/aiida-pseudo-dojo.yml
# vars:
# # for sisesta
# aiida_pseudo_cmd: "~/.conda/bin/conda run -n {{ aiida_conda_env }} aiida-pseudo"
# aiida_pseudo_base_folder: "{{ vm_data_folder }}"
# aiida_pseudo_functional: PBE
# aiida_pseudo_relativistic: FR
# aiida_pseudo_protocol: standard
# aiida_pseudo_format: psml
# aiida_pseudo_version: "0.4"
# aiida_pseudo_profile: "{{ aiida_profile }}"

# - name: aiida-example scripts
# tags: [aiida-examples]
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ vm_user }}"
# import_tasks: local/tasks/aiida-examples.yml
# vars:
# aiida_examples_folder: "~/Desktop/aiida-examples"
# aiida_verdi_cmd: "~/.conda/bin/conda run -n {{ aiida_conda_env }} verdi"


# These break idempotency,
# so only run once all other tasks have completed

- name: "Clean caches"
tags: [never, cleanup]
import_tasks: local/tasks/clean-caches.yml

- name: "Remove {{ build_dir }} content"
tags: [never, cleanup]
become: true
command: rm -rf {{ build_dir }}/*

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