This works well if you have one weblog that is used as a “gallery”. Unfortunately this only works on a field whose Field Type is “File” – which is another 3rd-party extension by Mark Huot. In the MD Weegee settings, you enter one field id (the field id for the File field you have) – and MD Weegee will put a thumb from that field on the Edit page. This also only works with one weblog right now.
If you can improve on the functionality of this add-on, please feel free to clone/fork it and make it happen, captain.
Developed by Ryan Masuga,
Docs: MD Weegee
EE Extension Info:
Related EE Forum Thread: Extension: Weegee – Add thumbnail image for entries on the EE CP Edit page
- Put lang.weegee.php in your /system/language/english folder
- Put ext.weegee.php in your /system/extensions folder.
- Enable Weegee in Extensions (Admin > Utilities > Extensions Manager)
- In the settings, Eenter the field id number of the File field for which you want to show thumbnails
- Change the width of the thumbnails, if desired
1.0.2 – (April 17, 2009)
- Changed name to MD Weegee
- Remove version info from language file
- Added LG Addon Updater checking
- Changed End of File to follow EE guidelines
- Updated how settings are stored
1.0.1 – (January 12, 2009)
- Removed outdated “Check for Update” method that was causing errors on the Control Panel homepage.
1.0.0 – (July 8, 2008)
- Initial release.