- Open the forked repo in VSCode.
- Create a new branch: git checkout -b added_article_test
- Run the installation commands
npm ci
&npx playwright install
- Parametrize test cases for CoffeeCart to test different coffees:
- coffeeAddedToCart.spec.js
- coffeeAddedToTotal.spec.js
- coffeeHasCorrectCost.spec.js
- coffeeRemovedFromCart.spec.js
- Create new methods to be working for any type of coffee (without hardcoded names) in the Page classes.
- Use as en example:
- Remove old redundant methods (with hardcoded names) from the Page classes.
- Re-run all your tests and make sure they pass after the updates.
- Add and commit all your updates.
- Push the code to the origin.
- Create PR for your changes.
- Fix all the suggestions from the Code review until PR is approved.