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Basics 4 (Stack of scenes)

Matheus Pimenta edited this page Mar 29, 2014 · 12 revisions

#Tutorial navigation

  • [Previous: Basics 3 (Game components)](Basics 3 (Game components))
  • Current: Basics 4 (Stack of scenes)
  • [Next: Basics 5 (Rendering)](Basics 5 (Rendering))


The Game class provides methods to manipulate the stack of GameScene.

  • Game.change(GameScene scene) This method will make the engine pop the scene in the top of the stack and will push scene.
  • Game.push(GameScene scene) This method will make the engine push scene.
  • Game.pop(Object... args) This method will make the engine pop the scene in the top of the stack and, if there is any scene remaining, will call the GameScene.wakeup(Object... args) method, passing args as argument.
  • Game.quit() This method will make the engine clear the stack, causing the interruption of the main loop.

#Full working code

package mygame.scene;

import org.unbiquitous.uImpala.engine.core.GameComponents;
import org.unbiquitous.uImpala.engine.core.GameScene;
import org.unbiquitous.uImpala.engine.core.Game;

public class MyFirstScene extends GameScene {
  private Game game;
  public MyFirstScene() {
    game = GameComponents.get(Game.class);
  protected void update() {
    if (false) // if user pressed 'enter'
      game.change(new MyLevelScene());
    if (false) // if user pressed 'o'
      game.push(new MyOptionsScene());
    if (false) // if user pressed 'q'
  protected void render() {
    // TODO
  protected void wakeup(Object... args) {
    // TODO
  protected void destroy() {
    // TODO
package mygame.scene;

import mygame.object.MyPlayer;

import org.unbiquitous.uImpala.engine.core.ContainerScene;

public class MyLevelScene extends ContainerScene {
  public MyLevelScene() {
    add(new MyPlayer(assets));
package mygame.object;

import org.unbiquitous.uImpala.engine.asset.AssetManager;
import org.unbiquitous.uImpala.engine.core.GameComponents;
import org.unbiquitous.uImpala.engine.core.GameObject;
import org.unbiquitous.uImpala.engine.core.GameRenderers;
import org.unbiquitous.uImpala.engine.core.Game;

public class MyPlayer extends GameObject {
  public MyPlayer(AssetManager assets) {
    // TODO

  protected void update() {
    if (false) // if user pressed 'q'

  protected void render(GameRenderers renderers) {
    // TODO

  protected void wakeup(Object... args) {
    // TODO

  protected void destroy() {
    // TODO
package mygame.scene;

import org.unbiquitous.uImpala.engine.core.GameComponents;
import org.unbiquitous.uImpala.engine.core.GameScene;
import org.unbiquitous.uImpala.engine.core.Game;

public class MyOptionsScene extends GameScene {
  public MyOptionsScene() {
    // TODO
  protected void update() {
    if (false) // if user pressed 'esc'
  protected void render() {
    // TODO
  protected void wakeup(Object... args) {
    // TODO
  protected void destroy() {
    // TODO

#Tutorial navigation

  • [Previous: Basics 3 (Game components)](Basics 3 (Game components))
  • Current: Basics 4 (Stack of scenes)
  • [Next: Basics 5 (Rendering)](Basics 5 (Rendering))
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