Mobile version of the AlgoExpert platform. This project was created for the Software Engineering Project CONTEST - Winter 2020 from Clément Mihailescu & AlgoExpert.
All the resources and assets used in the app are AlgoExpert's property and all its rights are reserved to them. If you see any trouble of me using your resources, please contact me. Thanks!
Or click here to watch the showcase video at Youtube.
AlgoExpert's Mobile App was developed using Facebook's React Native framework and Expo tools. Its objective is to deliver almost the same experience of using the platform at a web browser. The user can do the same things, except coding. But to compensate it, the app brings some new features, as favorite questions.
This project was developed with the following technologies:
- ReactJS
- React Native
- Expo
- Redux
- Redux-Saga
- React Navigation
- Axios
- Immer
- Lottie
- styled-components
- date-fns
- Reactotron
- VS Code with EditorConfig and ESLint
Please install the Expo Tools at your phone and scan the QR Code bellow to run the app.
All the development proccess until here was tested just in iOS devices, so I can't guarantee a properly behavior at Android devices yet. But feel free to try it yourself.
To clone and run this application in your machine, you'll need Git, Node.js v13.5 or higher, Yarn v1.21 or higher and Expo CLI v.3.13 or higher installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository.
git clone
cd app-algoexpert
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Run it and follow Expo instructions.
expo start
Made with ♥ by Matheus Kuster 👋 Get in touch!