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Flutter Template App

Template Flutter project.

1. Prior to cloning the repository:

  1. Delete any .git folder and initialize a new git repository if necessary. Keep the .gitignore file.

  2. Update the packages in the pubspec.yaml file by running flutter pub upgrade --major-versions.

2. Rename the Flutter app from template_app to the desired name of your app.

  1. Change Package/Bundle ID:

    • Android: Edit android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and change the android:label attribute to Name Of Your App.
    • iOS: Change CFBundleDisplayName and CFBundleName in ios/Runner/Info.plist. Open the project in Xcode and change the Bundle Identifier in the General tab of the Runner target and also in the Signing & Capabilities tab.
  2. Update Configuration Files:

    • Modify applicationId in android/app/build.gradle.
    • Update Firebase configurations if used (google-services.json for Android, GoogleService-Info.plist for iOS).
  3. Rename Project Folder:

    • Rename your project folder to template_app.
  4. Update Dart Code References:

    • Update any Dart code references to the package name.
  5. Update App Name:

    • Change the name in pubspec.yaml under the name field.
  6. Rename imports:

    • Rename the imports in the files using the script in the root folder of the project.
      • Run chmod +x to make the script executable.
      • Run ./ name_of_your_project to rename the imports.
  7. Clean and Rebuild the Project:

    • Run flutter clean.
    • Run flutter pub get.
    • Rebuild the project for both platforms.
  8. Run a clean install of Pods:

    • Go to the ios folder and run pod cache clean --all, pod deintegrate and pod install.
  9. Check Platform-Specific Configurations:

    • Android: Review build.gradle and settings.gradle.
    • iOS: Adjust settings in Xcode, including project name, targets, and Info.plist.
  10. Update External Service References:

  • Update the app name in external services (Firebase, APIs, etc.) as needed.

Important Naming Conventions and Restrictions:

  1. Directories:

    • Allowed: Underscores (_), hyphens (-), letters, and numbers.
    • Not Allowed: Spaces, special characters like @, #, &, etc.
  2. Package Name (in pubspec.yaml):

    • Allowed: Only underscores (_), lowercase letters, and numbers.
    • Not Allowed: Hyphens (-), spaces, uppercase letters, special characters.
    • Example: my_package_name
  3. Bundle ID (iOS):

    • Allowed: Dots (.), letters, and numbers.
    • Not Allowed: Underscores (_), hyphens (-), spaces, special characters.
    • Example: com.example.myapp
  4. Firebase iOS ID:

    • Allowed: Dots (.), letters, and numbers.
    • Not Allowed: Underscores (_), hyphens (-), spaces, special characters.
    • Example: com.example.myapp
  5. Firebase Android ID:

    • Allowed: Dots (.), letters, and numbers.
    • Not Allowed: Underscores (_), hyphens (-), spaces, special characters.
    • Example: com.example.myapp

3. Add Firebase to the Flutter app (using FlutterFire):

  1. Create a Firebase Project:

    • Go to the Firebase Console.
    • Click on "Add Project" and follow the setup instructions.
  2. Setup Firebase in the App:

4. Check the supported locales or add new locales (Optional):

  1. Check Supported Locales:

    • You can find the supported locales in the lib/config.dart file, under supportedLocales List.
  2. Add or Remove Locales:

    • Add a locale creating a file named intl_{locale}.arb in the lib/l10n folder.
    • Run flutter pub run intl_utils:generate to generate the locale files.
    • Remove a locale by deleting the corresponding intl_{locale}.arb file and taking it out of the supportedLocales List.

5. Add SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys to Firebase (Android - Optional):

  • Use the command keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android to get the SHA-1 key.
  • Paste the SHA-1 key in the Firebase project settings under the Android app.

6. Add Google URL scheme support to the Info.plist file (iOS - Optional):

  • When trying to sign in with Google and the Google URL Scheme is not set, the app will crash and show a log similar to this one:
  • *** Error trying to signing in user using Google: PlatformException(google_sign_in, Your app is missing support for the following URL schemes: com.googleusercontent.apps.99xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, NSInvalidArgumentException, null).
  • In that case you should add the Google URL Scheme com.googleusercontent.apps.99xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to the Info.plist file this way: <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Editor</string> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array> <string>com.googleusercontent.apps.99xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string> </array> </dict> </array>

7. Change iOS and Android app icons:

  • Find inside pubspec.yaml the flutter_launcher_icons section and change the path to the icon file you want to use as App Icon.
  • Run flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons to update the app icons for both platforms.
  • Find more information about the flutter_launcher_icons package here.

8. Things to take into account for pre-production and should be ready prior to the deployment of the app:

(Check each completed item with a ✅)

UI Design:

  • Font Type: Choose a font for the app and define the custom fonts in the app if necessary. [ ]
  • Color Scheme: Define a color scheme for the app and use it consistently across the app. [ ]
  • Icon Design: Select the appropriate icons and icon library for the app. [ ]
  • UI Design: Implement the UI design for the app screens and components. [ ]
  • Responsive Design: Ensure the app design is responsive and works well on different screen sizes and orientations. [ ]
  • Animation and Transitions: Implement smooth animations and transitions to enhance the user experience. [ ]

App Architecture:

  • Navigation: Implement navigation between screens and manage the app routes. [ ]
  • State Management: Choose a state management solution for the app and implement it. [ ]
  • Data Management: Implement data management for the app using APIs, databases, or local storage. [ ]
  • User Authentication: Implement user authentication and authorization in the app. [ ]
  • Search Functionality: Add search functionality to the app for users to find content. [ ]
  • Push Notifications: Implement push notifications for the app using Firebase Cloud Messaging. [ ]
  • Error Handling: Implement error handling and logging in the app. [ ]
  • Permissions handling: Implement permissions handling for accessing device features. [ ]
  • Permissions denied handling: Implement handling for when permissions are denied. [ ]
  • Dependency Injection: Implement dependency injection to manage dependencies and promote testability. [ ]
  • Modularization: Structure the app into modules to improve maintainability and scalability. [ ]

UX Design:

  • User Onboarding: Create user onboarding screens and flows for the app. [ ]
  • Accessibility: Ensure the app is accessible to users with disabilities. [ ]
  • Status Indicators: Add loading indicators, error messages, and other status indicators. [ ]
  • User Profile: Create user profiles and settings for the app. [ ]
  • Dark Mode: Implement dark mode support for the app. [ ]
  • Offline Support: Add offline support for the app using local storage or caching. [ ]
  • Localization: Add support for multiple languages in the app. [ ]
  • Support: Provide customer support and respond to user queries. [ ]
  • Feedback: Collect user feedback and reviews for the app. [ ]

App Features:

  • App Icon: Replace the default app icon with a custom one. [ ]
  • Splash Screen: Customize the splash screen for the app. [ ]
  • App Theme: Define a custom theme for the app. [ ]

Testing and Deployment:

  • Testing: Write unit, widget, and integration tests for the app. [ ]
  • Compliance: Ensure the app complies with legal and regulatory requirements. [ ]
  • Performance: Optimize the app for performance and memory usage. [ ]
  • Security: Secure sensitive data and implement secure communication. [ ]
  • Documentation: Document the app architecture, code, and setup instructions. [ ]
  • Deployment: Prepare the app for deployment to app stores. [ ]
  • Maintenance: Plan for app updates, bug fixes, and feature enhancements. [ ]
  • Marketing: Promote the app through social media, ads, and other channels. [ ]
  • Monetization: Implement monetization strategies for the app. [ ]

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

  • CI/CD Setup: Set up a CI/CD pipeline using tools like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, or Jenkins. [ ]
  • Automated Testing: Ensure that automated tests run as part of the CI pipeline. [ ]
  • Build Automation: Automate the build process for both Android and iOS. [ ]
  • Deployment Automation: Automate the deployment process to app stores. [ ]

Monitoring and Analytics:

  • Crash Reporting: Implement crash reporting using tools like Firebase Crashlytics. [ ]
  • Analytics: Integrate analytics to track user behavior and app performance. [ ]
  • Performance Monitoring: Set up performance monitoring to keep track of app performance in production. [ ]
  • User Feedback: Collect and analyze user feedback to make informed improvements. [ ]


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