Simple bash script to (version) update using local GIT commit messages and tags.
The whole point of the script is to automate the process of updating the changelog, by writing your commit messages properly, so they are understood by others and properly "mark" the changes done in your code.
A good article on "How to Write a Git Commit Message" []
Generated output of the script can be seen in this package changelog file, thus following 'eat your own dog food' principle.
The script is easily "hackable", meaning it doesn't have validation for tags and such.
The whole point of the script is to help you automate the process and by inputting jibberish you will only do harm to your own time.
As the script uses GNU sed, it will not work on MacOS out-of-the-box (which uses BSD sed).
If you want it to work on MacOS, you need to install gsed
(GNU sed) and symlink it as sed
Per project
composer require --dev matijakovacevic/changelog
or globally
composer global require matijakovacevic/changelog
If there is no, the script will create it. Otherwise, it gets the commits made from the last tag, ignoring merge commits, and puts them in the file, as items under the 'new version' header.
The header is generated according to the last found tag, following semantic versioning []. You can provide arguments like (major|minor|patch) if there are tags to be parsed, otherwise you can use your own version e.g. 1.5.2
After completion, it will make a commit to the active branch, with changed file and a commit message "changelog updated to $TAG"
changelog [major|minor|patch]
changelog 1.0.1
Per project (from composer bin folder)
./vendor/bin/changelog ...
or globally
changelog ...
Keep a Changelog []
github - Good ways to manage a changelog using git? - Stack Overflow []
As I'm currently in PHP ecosystem, most of these are PHP libraries:
Semantic versioning helper library for PHP
SemVer []
Generate change logs from your repositorys on GitHub. Based on releases, issues, labels and pull requests
ins0/github-changelog-generator []
Automate the tedious tasks of software releases. Happily release and publish your Git repositories, npm packages, GitHub & GitLab releases, changelogs, and much more!
webpro/release-it []
Jira & Git Workflow tool
Rentlio/jit []
If you wish to contribute, you're free to make a pull request