Package for our paper:
Make sure to keep up to date with our latest version of this package found at:
First clone this repo
git clone
cd Confidence-Bounds-ECAI24
Then make a python env e.g. with conda
conda create -n CliffordECAI24 python=3.10 -y
conda activate CliffordECAI24
Install as editable package
pip install -e .
run the file 'experiments/'
python experiments/
this will save each dataset's results to experiments/results and will combine all the results into one latex table experiments/combined_table.txt
N.B. you will need to download and process and the MIMIC-ICU dataset externally as I do not have the rights to include it within this repo. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Check out our latest examples and documentation on how to apply to your own classifier and ways of customisation at: