#bigCommerce-PayPal App
Application built for use on the bigCommerce dashboard.
- Setup
- ToDo
- Documentation
- License
Git Fork or Clone the Repo
Requires Node & NPM
Make sure localhost.paypal.com
is added to your hosts file
$ npm install
$ npm start
Go to the bigCommerce site and login to PayPals testbed https://login.bigcommerce.com/login
Ping Matt Linville-Engler, Tejas Gadiraju, or Mahendran Kumarapandian for login credentials
Login to a test site and find the dashboard.
Find the PayPal app in My Apps -> Draft Apps.
Install or launch the application and login to a PayPal business account.
Ping Matt Linville-Engler, Tejas Gadiraju, or Mahendran Kumarapandian for a test business account.
Launch the store website through the dashboard to view banners, offers, etc..
- Add method on uninstall to remove PYPL banners/offers
- Add partner.js and signup.js to main page
- Add Tests
- Add Input Validation
- Add Error Checks
- Add Try Catch in API
- Code Cleanup
- Integrate more functionality, visuals, and automaion for the end user experience.
- Add Documentation - specifically for the OAuth process with bigCommerce and the ISU process with PayPal
###BC app creation process
- Login to the bC developer portal
- Create an application and fill out various details (name, snapshots, etc.)
- These can be updated later
- Fill out scopes that the app will need access too - products, categories, etc..
- Add an auth url -this is the url the bC will request when a user starts the install process - eg https://localhost:3000/auth
- Add a load url -this is the url the bC will request after the auth process for install and opening of the app- eg https://localhost:3000/load
###BC install process
- Utilize the bc - node module on npm
- Add your bC client and secret variables to the config
- Set up Auth and Load routes.
- The Auth URL will return an OAuth token specific to the merchant - you will need to store this to use the api later
- The load url will need to return the application view (html, react, etc…)
function auth(req, res) {
var bigCommerce = new BigCommerce({
clientId: ‘CLIENTID’,
secret: ‘SECRET’,
callback: 'https://localhost.paypal.com:3000/auth', ????
responseType: 'json'
bigCommerce.authorise(req.query, function (err, data) {
//save data
//start ISU
function load(req, res) {
var bigCommerce = new BigCommerce({
clientId: 'CLIENTID',
secret: 'SECRET',
responseType: 'json'
bigCommerce.callback(req.query['signed_payload'], function (err, data) {
//respond with application view
You can also set up an uninstall route to take actions if the user uninstalls the app
###BC API Process
- Utilize the bc - node module on npm
- Add your bC client and secret variables to the config along with the auth token stored earlier
- Review bC api documentation to achieve application goals
###ISU Process
- Create an app with paypal
- Document the clientID & client secret
- Whitelist the client id with PayPal
#####Set up request to ISU
function GetISUAuth(user, initialResponse) {
console.log("getting ISU Auth");
url: 'https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/oauth2/token',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
//We can define headers too
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Accept': 'application/json'
auth: {
form: {
'grant_type': 'client_credentials'
}, function (err, res) {
//proceed to second step
var json = JSON.parse(res.body);
GetISULink(user, json.access_token, initialResponse);
#####Request a user link
function GetISULink(user, token, initialResponse) {
var post_data = {
'requested_capabilities': [
'web_experience_preference': {
'partner_logo_url': ‘URL TO LOGO’,
"return_url": “RETURN/CALLBACK URL
'collected_consents': [
"granted": true
url: 'https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/partner-referrals',
method: 'POST',
json: true,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + ACCESS TOKEN,
body: post_data
}, function (err, res) {
var json = res.body;
- Set up second request & pass in a callback url for when the ISU Login process is finished
- Receive a login link from this second request
- Place second request in front end for the user to click on to start the sign in process
- User will start the process in a minibrowser/ aka new window
- User completes sign on and the callback url is sent - sending the merchant/payerid with it.
#####Callback that is passed in to ISU
function isuFinal(req, res) {
console.log('ISU HIT')
merchantId: req.param('merchantIdInPayPal'),
//Handle ISU Merchant ID - SAVE to user
//respond with a script that closes the ism window.
###Tech Stack
Kraken, Node, Express, React