The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi network.
I only use the TX/RX and a common ground on my FTDI chip. I supply a dedicated 3.3 volts to the ESP8266 module VCC and CH_PD pins. Connect GPIO0 to Ground when updating the ESP module.
Updating the Firmware
compiled @ Dec 25 2014 21:40:28
AI-THINKER Dec 25 2014
Unzip the the content of the main ZIP file
Close Putty and/or any other application that is using the COM port to access the ESP8266.
- Power down the ESP8266 module.
- Connect GPIO0 to GND.
- Power on the ESP8266 module.
- Run esp8266_flasher.exe as an administrator (right-click, then Run as administrator...)
- Click on the button labeled as Bin to select the BIN file, select AI-v0.9.5.0_AT_Firmware.bin
- Enter the COM port your ESP8266 is connected to. In my case it was COM5.
- Click Download, then wait.
- Leaving, failed to leave flash mode. (This is okay!)
- If it doesn't finish, click download again. I had to do it a few times.
Power down the ESP8266 module. Disconnect GPIO0 from GND Power on the ESP8266 module.
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