Send CD / CI notifications in GitLab CI
$ npm install -g @maxdome/notify
Usage: notify [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
console Print notification to console
hipchat [options] Send HipChat notification
slack [options] Send Slack notification
Usage: notify hipchat [options]
Send HipChat notification
--token <token> Hipchat Token
--room <room> Room to send notification to
--version-label [versionLabel] Version which was deployed
--changelog-url [changelogUrl] URL to changelog
--from [from] Notification sender name. Default: "GitLab CI"
--color [color] Notification color [yellow|green|red|purple|gray|random]. Default: "purple"
--format [format] Notification format [text|html]. Default: "html"
--silent Disable notification alert. Default: false
--template [template] Name of notification template. Default: "default"
--print Print the template instead of sending it
-h, --help output usage information
Usage: notify slack [options]
Send Slack notification
--webhook-url <webhookUrl> Slack Webhook URL for posting notifications
--changelog-url [changelogUrl] URL to changelog
--version-label [versionLabel] Version which was deployed
--username [username] Username to send notification from. Default: "GitLab CI"
--color [color] Color of notification. Default: "#554488"
--template [template] Name of the notification template to use. Default: "default"
--print Print the template instead of sending it
-h, --help output usage information
More integrations coming soon:
- Microsoft Teams