This is a modular build seed for custom compiling your own version of WinJS.
Note: On windows, install git and run 'Git Bash' to open a bash-compatible console.
- npm install -g requirejs
- npm install winjs-modules
- cp node_modules/winjs-modules/WinJS-custom.js .
- cp node_modules/winjs-modules/ ./build.js
- Edit the paths in build.js (if necessary)
- Edit WinJS-custom.js, commenting out the modules you don't need
- Known Issue: When commenting things out, leave in the "require-style" lines for the build to complete
- r.js -o build.js
- Your custom build is in bin\WinJS.js
- Currently the modular build doesn't custom-compile CSS since the CSS has not been modularized yet. Pre-built CSS is inside the "css" directory.
- The build will not complete successfully unless the top-level require-style lines are left in, due to dependencies in the controls.