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Stellar Theme for Pico

Port of HTML5 UP's Stellar theme for PicoCMS.

Say hello to Stellar, a slick little one-pager with a super vibrant color palette

Getting Started

To use this theme:

  1. Download the Latest Release on GitHub.
  2. Extract themes/stellar to your Pico themes folder.
  3. Optionally extract all files in content-sample/ to your content folder.
  4. Set your theme to stellar in Pico's config.yml.
  5. Optionally, set your site to order pages by index in Pico's config.yml. See below.
  6. Configure your website using the YAML options in
  7. Add sections to your page with new .md files.


This theme constructs a one-page site out of individual sections, each in their own .md file.

There are four main section layouts: Generic, Spotlight, Features, and Statistics.

Your acts as both theme configuration and the contents of your page footer.

Each type of section has a collection of features exposed through the page's YML header.

We'll go into them in more detail below.

Page Order

Pico has several choices when it comes to ordering your pages (alphabetically, by date, or using a page meta property). Since you probably want your sections to display in a static order, the easiest way to do this is to add an index property to every page and sort by that (eg index: 0, index: 1 and so on).

In Pico's config.yml, change pages_order_by to meta, and pages_order_by_meta to index. You'll also want to set your pages_order to ascending (asc) if it's not already.

pages_order_by_meta: index
pages_order_by: meta
pages_order: asc


Theme Options

The first half of the options in consist of general options for the entire site. These options all exist as children of the stellar key, and should be indented as such.

  • logo - The path to your site logo (eg, assets/logo.png). Optionally supports a no_logo option, but leaving this undefined will default to the Stellar logo.

  • description - A short description that goes below the logo and site_title (which is defined in your Pico config.yml).

  • copyright - A string for the copyright at the bottom of the page. Defaults to using your site_title if undefined.

  • robots - PicoCMS's default handling of the robots meta option. Whatever you enter here (eg noindex, nofollow) will be put in the content attribute of the meta robots tag.

  • css - The path to a custom .css file (eg assets/override.css) that you can use to override and augment this theme's css styles.

  • fonts - The url or path to a custom font via a CSS stylesheet. You can provice your own, or use a Google Fonts API url to easily add more fonts. You can also specify more than one URL by indenting each on a new line with a dash.

- ''
- ''
  • og_image - An "Open Graph" standard image. This is the little preview image that displays when someone shares your URL via most modern messaging apps.

Footer Options

The content of your will be used for the body text on the left side of the footer.

  • title - This is the heading for the left side of the page footer.

  • actions - Each individual section of this theme, as well as the page footer, support displaying action buttons at the bottom of their content. See the Actions section below for more information.

Contact Options

The right side of the footer supports adding contact information (or anything else) in a Definition List, as well as button links to social networks, etc.

  • title - The heading for the right side of the page footer.

  • items - Add whatever contact information you'd like in the format of Key: Value, each indented on a new line under items. The key for each item is used for the Definition Term, while the value is used for the Definition Description.

  Phone: 000-000-0000
  Email: [email protected]
  • actions - In this case, the actions system is used to generate social icons instead of buttons. The syntax is the same, but some of the available options are different. See the Actions section below for more information.


In this theme, each page of your Pico content folder will become a section of the main page. There are four supported "modes" each with a different layout and options.

Generic Mode

When you don't specify a mode, the section will be rendered in generic mode. Generic mode is the most basic layout, and is pretty much just text-on-a-page below a section header. If you're feeling ambitious though, you could always use generic mode to code your own layout by writing some HTML into your markdown.

In most modes, the page content will be displayed immediately under the title and description. In the Statistics layout, content is instead placed at the bottom of the section and formatted into columns. Including content is always optional, but Features and Statistics are the only layouts that can really serve their purpose without it.

The following options are supported by ALL modes, including Generic:

  • title - The heading for each section.

  • description - A short description that goes below the title. This description utilizes raw mode for a little extra flexibility. This means you'll be able to add HTML tags to it without them being escaped (mostly so you can <br> when you want a hard line break). Just be mindful of your special characters.

  • center - Setting this option to true will center the section's contents (including heading and description) when using the Generic or Spotlight page layouts. Features and Statistics modes are already centered by default.

  • actions - Each individual section of this theme supports displaying action buttons at the bottom of their content. See the Actions section below for more information.

Spotlight Mode

  • image - The path to the image you want to put in the "Spotlight" circle (eg assets/image1.png).

Features Mode

  • icons - An array of icons to display on the page. Each key will act as the heading text beneath its icon. The layout for the sub-keys is very similar to the Actions layout.

    • icon - A Font Awesome class name for your desired icon (eg fa-clock).

    • description - A short description that will be displayed below the icon's heading.

    • options - Extra options for customizing your icons. You can supply a single option, or supply multiple by putting each on its own line, indented with a dash.

      • style(1-5) - The options style1, style2, style3, style4, and style5 will allow you to set slightly different colors for your icons. They represent the following pastel colors: Pink, Lilac, Purple, Blue, and Sky Blue. Using one of these is highly recommended, as the icons look very plain without color.
      • solid - Setting the solid option will use the Font Awesome Solid font, giving many of the available icons a filled-in look. Some icons are only found in this set.
      • brands - Setting the brands option will use the Font Awesome Brands font. Most commercial website logos and social network icons will be found in this set.
  Amazing Feature:
    icon: fa-exclamation
    description: This feature is really, really amazing! You'll have to see it for yourself!
    options: style1

Statistics Mode

Statistics mode uses all of the same settings as Features above does. The only difference is that style changes the color of the surrounding box, and not the icon itself.


Every page section supports having "actions" buttons at the bottom of it. The YAML layout for actions looks like this:

  • actions - An array of buttons to display on the page. Each key will act as the button text, or as an accessibility label on your social buttons.

    • url - The URL you'd like your button to go to. This is the HTML href attribute, so don't forget your http:// if you're linking externally. Also, if you'd like to link to an anchor on your current page, you can escape the # with a \ (otherwise YAML will make it into a comment!), for example url: \#downloads.

    • icon - A Font Awesome class name if you'd like your button to have an icon (eg fa-download).

    • options - Extra options for customizing your buttons. You can supply a single option, or supply multiple by putting each on its own line, indented with a dash. Social Icons on the site footer only support the brands and no_circle options.

      • primary - Makes this button a solid blue color.
      • large - Makes this button larger.
      • small - Makes this button smaller.
      • disabled - Makes this button greyed-out and unclickable.
      • fit - Makes ALL buttons equal in width and stretched to fill the page horizontally. Setting this on any of your buttons affects all of them.
      • stacked - Makes ALL buttons stack vertically instead of horizontally. Setting this on any of your buttons affects all of them.
      • center - Makes ALL buttons centered on layouts where they otherwise wouldn't be (Generic and Spotlight modes). Setting this on any of your buttons affects all of them.
      • solid - If using an icon, setting the solid option will use the Font Awesome Solid font, giving many of the available icons a filled-in look. Some icons are only found in this set.
      • brands - If using an icon, setting the brands option will use the Font Awesome Brands font. Most commercial website logos and social network icons will be found in this set.
      • no_circle - Only used in social icon mode (eg, on the site footer). Displays icons without their usual circle border.
  Issue Tracker:
    icon: fa-github
      - brands
      - primary

Issues and Feature Requests

If you have any issues with this port, or would like to request a feature, please create a new Issue on GitHub.

Original Readme

Stellar by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (

Say hello to Stellar, a slick little one-pager with a super vibrant color palette (which I guess you can always tone down if it's a little too vibrant for you), a "sticky" in-page nav bar (powered by my Scrollex plugin), a separate generic page template (just in case you need one), and an assortment of pre-styled elements.

Demo images* courtesy of Unsplash, a radtastic collection of CC0 (public domain) images you can use for pretty much whatever.

(* = not included)

AJ [email protected] | @ajlkn


Demo Images:
    Unsplash (

    Font Awesome (

    jQuery (
    Scrollex (
    Responsive Tools (