A calculator program designed to accept two numerical inputs and perform basic mathematical operations, namely addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the command-line interface. It also allows the user the option to change their inputs before or after performing any mathematical operations.
Please ensure you have Git and Python installed in your local machine before running the program.
To run the program, open your command line and please run the following command:
git clone https://github.com/maziasy/calculator.git
Check out to the 'calculator' directory, and then run the following command to get the program running:
python main.py
While staying in the calculator directory, please run the following command to execute unit tests:
python calculator_tests.py
I had some ideas for improvements and additional toughts as I tested the program that I thought were worth mentioning and, if I had spent more than 2 hours on this program, I may have implemented.
- Firstly, I would write the driver function and helper functions as methods for a class, so the overall program is more aligned with object-oriented programming. This would be a quick change, and really a matter of preference as well.
- Secondly, there is definitely room to write more unit tests for the helper functions in main.py that verified their outputs for given inputs, which I would have definitely written with more time.
- Thirdly, at this time I only handled the possibility where the input is too large a number. I could potentially also handle the possibility that the resulting number is too large as well, but I think that depends on how we want the calculator to operate. It currently simply returns inf (i.e. infinity) and not necessarily an error.