- Introduction
- How To Run
- Report
The Circuit Satisfiability problem (also known as CIRCUIT-SAT, Circuit-SAT, CSAT, etc.) is the decision problem of determining whether a given Boolean circuit has an assignment of its inputs that makes the output True/False. This report was created for the course COMP 6902.
Run RunExp.py. For a single experiment, input the desired values into line 27. [RunGenRed.RunGenRed(Values Here)]. If you want to run all experiments, comment out lines 27 & 28, and uncomment lines 31-38. A miniSAT solver using DIMACS must be already installed. We used the syrup solver that can be found here. The location of the file that the reducer opens must be changed to the input.cnf of your SAT solver (line 13 in Reducer.py).
The final report for this project is found here.