A fork of the AutoMySQLBackup script from http://sourceforge.net/projects/automysqlbackup/
There is no error checking on the install script.
Run it multiple times and it will overwrite files that are there.
Includes a plist for automatic execution under launchd. So, obviously this is osx specific.
Setup a mysql backup user:
Grant privileges SHOW DATABASES, SELECT, LOCK TABLES, RELOAD on *.* to 'backup'@'localhost' identified by 'someawesomepassword';
Run the installer, it will ask for sudo password
Installs into
Adjust settings in automysqlbackup.conf
Start the launchd plist running:
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sologroup.automysqlbackup.plist
launchd plist is runs daily at 11:50pm
Update the mysql-post script to set permissions on the databases, less permissive
Add an un-install script
Adjust the PATH var in conf file to what the system has mysql: macports, binary, from source, etc.
Try to find the solution for the information_schema issue, possible taking out the --opt for mysqldump
Forked script from SourceForge, version 2.5.1-01
Added install script
Added launchd script
Added post-install script to change permissions on backed up dbs
Clarified some items in README