It is a common open source code software and a distributed network to create Peer-to-Peer communities based on trusted human certifications and everyone can generate an Universal Dividend periodically.
It is inspired by the OpenUDC project.
The software is still under development.
However, it already exists a testing community named Test_Net. Do you want to test it ? There are two ways :
$ wget -qO- | bash
$ duniter init
$ duniter sync 8999
$ duniter start
You can also see the Install documentation for further details.
Cesium explorer It is a browser application connected to the distributed network. you can see this tutorial to join the testing community with the HTML5less explorer ( Sakia explorer ).
Sakia explorer based on Qt technology It is an application connected to the distributed network of communities. See this tutorial to join the testing community with HTML5less explorer ( Sakia explorer ).
You can visit the Duniter HTTP site: it gathers theoretical informations, FAQ and several useful links. If you want to learn, this is the first place to visit.
If you wish to participate/debate on Duniter, you can:
- To visit the forum : Duniter Forum
- To join the XMPP chatroom : [email protected]
- To join the diffusion list :!forum/ucoin
- To contact us directly at : [email protected]
- Official OpenUDC project website
- Official OpenUDC repository
- The other project which are trying to implement OpenUDC in Python
This software is distributed under GNU GPLv3.