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mcnamee committed Dec 31, 2016
2 parents 1ee70ad + d77265c commit bbe97be
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Showing 189 changed files with 9,952 additions and 2,724 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions .eslintrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// Use this file as a starting point for your project's .eslintrc.
// Copy this file, and add rule overrides as needed.
"extends": "airbnb",
"parser": "babel-eslint",
"ecmaFeatures": {
"classes": true,
"rules": {
"react/jsx-filename-extension": ["error", { extensions: [".js", ".jsx"] }],
"global-require": "off",

// Used for debugging
"no-console": "off",

// Because we're using directory aliases eg. @component, @config
"import/no-extraneous-dependencies": "off",
"import/extensions": "off",
"import/no-unresolved": "off"
33 changes: 10 additions & 23 deletions .flowconfig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,18 @@

# We fork some components by platform.
; We fork some components by platform

# Ignore templates with `@flow` in header

# Ignore malformed json

# Ignore the website subdir

# Ignore BUCK generated dirs
; Ignore "BUCK" generated dirs

# Ignore unexpected extra @providesModule
; Ignore unexpected extra "@providesModule"

# Ignore duplicate module providers
# For RN Apps installed via npm, "Libraries" folder is inside node_modules/react-native but in the source repo it is in the root
; Ignore duplicate module providers
; For RN Apps installed via npm, "Libraries" folder is inside
; "node_modules/react-native" but in the source repo it is in the root


Expand All @@ -34,9 +24,6 @@ flow/



Expand All @@ -48,11 +35,11 @@ suppress_type=$FlowIssue

suppress_comment=\\(.\\|\n\\)*\\$FlowFixMe\\($\\|[^(]\\|(\\(>=0\\.\\(3[0-3]\\|[1-2][0-9]\\|[0-9]\\).[0-9]\\)? *\\(site=[a-z,_]*react_native[a-z,_]*\\)?)\\)
suppress_comment=\\(.\\|\n\\)*\\$FlowIssue\\((\\(>=0\\.\\(3[0-3]\\|1[0-9]\\|[1-2][0-9]\\).[0-9]\\)? *\\(site=[a-z,_]*react_native[a-z,_]*\\)?)\\)?:? #[0-9]+
suppress_comment=\\(.\\|\n\\)*\\$FlowFixMe\\($\\|[^(]\\|(\\(>=0\\.\\(3[0-5]\\|[1-2][0-9]\\|[0-9]\\).[0-9]\\)? *\\(site=[a-z,_]*react_native[a-z,_]*\\)?)\\)
suppress_comment=\\(.\\|\n\\)*\\$FlowIssue\\((\\(>=0\\.\\(3[0-5]\\|1[0-9]\\|[1-2][0-9]\\).[0-9]\\)? *\\(site=[a-z,_]*react_native[a-z,_]*\\)?)\\)?:? #[0-9]+


1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitattributes
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
*.pbxproj -text
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,23 +22,26 @@ DerivedData

# Android/IJ
# Android/IntelliJ

# node.js


# Test coverage
# Test coverage
97 changes: 58 additions & 39 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,53 +1,72 @@
React Native Starter Kit
![alt text]( "React Native Starter Kit")

| | | | |
| ![alt text]( "React Native") | ![alt text]( "Redux") | ![alt text]( "iOS Ready") | ![alt text]( "Android Ready") |
| | | | |
# React Native Starter Kit

### Features
React Native Starter Kit helps you get started with React Native. It contains a bunch of helpful components, building blocks and basic structure to allow you to jump straight into building an app.

| Feature | Summary |
| [Redux]( | A predictable state container - Helping you write applications that behave consistently and run in different environments. |
| [Sidebar/Hamburger Menu]( | ... |
| [Google Analytics]( | Shows how to track screen views (includes both a 'debug' mode tracker as well as 'release' mode so that data doesn't get obfuscated). |
| [Custom Navbar]( | ... |
| [Icons]( | Easily use icons from a wide range of icon libraries, it's as simple as importing the icon font and then `<Icon name={'ios-alert-outline'} size={50} color={"#CCC"} />`. |
| [Form Validation]( | An example on how to create forms with validation. |
| Data persistence | Shows how to persist data, even after closing/reopening the app. |
| Style Guide | A bunch of elements and components to get you started - styled headings, buttons, list rows, alerts etc. |
| An example directory/file structure I've found useful for scaling apps | ... |
![alt text]( "React Native Starter App")


## Docs

### Screenshots
1. [Features](#features)
1. **Before you start**
1. [Getting Started with React Native](/docs/
1. [React Native Quick Tips](/docs/
1. [Understanding the File Structure](#understanding-the-file-structure)
1. [Opinions Guiding this Project](/docs/
1. **Using RNSK**
1. [Get Up and Running with RNSK](#getting-started)
1. [Routing / Navigating](/src/navigation/
1. [Using Google Analytics](/docs/
1. [Interacting with a REST API](/docs/
1. [Testing](/docs/
1. [Contributing](/docs/
1. [Licence](LICENSE)

| | | |
| ![alt text]( "Default Screen w/ tabs") | ![alt text]( "Sidebar Menu open") | ![alt text]( "Data validation and persistence") |
| ![alt text]( "List View Example") | ![alt text]( "List View Example 2") | ![alt text]( "Style Guide") |
| | | |

### Getting Started
## Features

| Feature | Summary |
| --- | --- |
| [Redux]( | A predictable state container - Helping you write applications that behave consistently and run in different environments. |
| [React Native Router Flux]( | Router for React Native based on new React Native Navigation API. <br><br>['How to' Guide &rarr;](/src/navigation/|
| [API Example](/docs/ | A basic example showing how you can interact with a RESTful API with user authentication (JWT). |
| [Sidebar / Hamburger Menu]( | ... |
| [React Native Elements]( | Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit. |
| [Google Analytics]( | Shows how to track screen views (includes both a 'debug' mode tracker as well as 'release' mode so that data doesn't get obfuscated). <br><br>[Setup Guide &rarr;](/docs/ |
| [React Native Vector Icons]( | Easily use icons from a wide range of icon libraries, it's as simple as importing the icon font and then `<Icon name={'ios-alert-outline'} size={50} color={"#CCC"} />`. |
| [Tcomb Form Validation]( | An exmaple on how to create forms with validation. |
| Component Style Guide | A bunch of elements and components to get you started - styled headings, buttons, list rows, alerts etc. |
| Code Linting / Code Style Guide | We're using [Airbnb's]( JS/React Style Guide with ESLint linting. <br><br>[Get started with linting for React Native &rarr;]( |
| Boilerplate | An example directory/file structure I've found useful for scaling apps <br><br>[Learn more &rarr;](#understanding-the-file-structure) |


## Getting Started

1. Ensure you've followed the [React Native - Get Started Guide]( for the platform/s of choice
2. Clone this project
3. Run `npm install` from root directory
1. Clone this project `git clone`
1. Run `npm install` from root directory
1. Start the app in [an emulator](/docs/


### Testing
1. `npm run test`
## Understanding the File Structure

### Quick Tips
- `/android` - The native Android stuff
- `/ios` - The native iOS stuff
- `/src` - Contains the full React Native App codebase
- `/components` - 'Dumb-components' / presentational. [Read More &rarr;](/src/components/
- `/constants` - App-wide variables and config
- `/containers` - 'Smart-components' / the business logic. [Read More &rarr;](/src/containers/
- `/images` - Self explanatory right?
- `/lib` - Utils, custom libraries, functions
- `/navigation`- Routes - wire up the router with any & all screens. [Read More &rarr;](/src/navigation/
- `/redux` - Redux Reducers & Actions grouped by type. [Read More &rarr;](/src/redux/
- `/theme` - Theme specific styles and variables

| Function | iOS | Android |
| **Testing project in an emulator** | <ol><li>Open the /ios/StarterKit.xcodeproj file in Xcode</li><li>Select the iOS simulator then press the Play (triangle) icon at the top left</li></ul> | <ol><li>From terminal, run `android avd`. This will open the Android Virtual Device Manager. Select a device to open. </li><li>In a new terminal window, enter the root directory of the project, then run: `react-native run-android`</li></ul> |
| **Running on Device** | [iOS Guide]( | [Android Guide]( |
| **Opening the Debug Menu** | CMD + D | CMD + M |
| **Reload** | CMD + R | Double tap R on your keyboard |
| **App Icons** [I use this tool to generate]( | /ios/StarterKit/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset | /android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-*/ic_launcher.png |

### Any advice?

Love to hear any feedback or tips to improve - submit an issue or PR.
75 changes: 0 additions & 75 deletions ReactApp/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/alerts-tests.js.snap

This file was deleted.

51 changes: 0 additions & 51 deletions ReactApp/components/__tests__/__snapshots__/button-tests.js.snap

This file was deleted.


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