Push-Deploy is a Python application which helps to securely and simply enable communication between external tools (GitHub Actions, Circle CI, etc…) and Kubernetes without exposing cluster credentials. Instead it exposes an API which accepts parameters.
Push-deploy is focused on projects which may not have semver
in place where other tools like keel.sh and weave/flux would make more sense.
This is pre-release software and is very limited. It will have bugs and lacks many features planned for later releases. The API may also change in ways which are not backwards compatible.
: Registry URI e.g.258640715359.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
: A very long (64+ Char) Alpha Numeric stringPD_USER
: Username to authenticate withPD_PASSWORD
: Password to authenticate with
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
-d '{"username":"${USERNAME}","password":"${PASSWORD}"}' \
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
--request POST \
/api/v1/cronjob -> v1beta1/cronjob
/api/v1/daemonset -> apps/v1/daemonset
/api/v1/deployment -> apps/v1/deployment
/api/v1/deploy -> apps/v1/deployments (Deprecated)
- name=name of object
- namespace=namespace of object
- image_name=image name
- image_tag=image tag
Note: push-deploy uses config.load_incluster_config()
and depends on the kubernetes api and thus cannot be meaningfuly run outside of a cluster.
Local Docker Daemon
Kubernetes Cluster (Remote or local e.g. Docker for Mac Kubernetes, Microk8s, Minikube, etc...)
From root:
$ tilt up
Tilt will now continuously monitor for changes and rebuild and re-apply.