What is "Smart Card Chip Authentication app"?
CryptoPuce is an educational program used to simulate the operation of smart card cryptographic protocols, namely SDA and DDA. The project also contains a simulation of the exploitation of a flaw in the SDA protocol.
How to use it ?
Open the project with eclipse (or other).
SDA protocol (offline Static Data Authentication):
2.1 "step 1": We will fill the information on the original card (the step is mandatory at the beginning)
- You must fill in the information in the "Bank" (the "Card Number" field is filled automatically by the bank)
- After pressing the bank icon
- You would see the all the queries between the bank, the certification center and the card with all the transfer happening
- Finally you will have a valid card ready to use
2.2 "step 2": Verifying the authenticity of the letter in the "card" field choose "Original"
- Click on the bank card
- Click on the terminal and enter the PIN code
- Click on ok and the transaction will be validated
2.3 "step 3": it consists of creating a fake card with out the knowledge of the pin
- Click on the card and follow the events
- To test, you must return to "step 2" and choose "Fake" in "Card"
- For final testing, enter a wrong pin and see what happen
- DDA protocol (Dynamic Data Authentication):
3.1 "Step 1" is identical to SDA "step1" (same steps).
3.2 "Step 2" is identical to SDA "step2" (same steps).
System use: OS="Ubuntu 16.04" JAVA_VERSION="1.8.0_131"