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Welcome to Shader Ripple Effect Library 👋

API Level License: MIT

✨ Demo

🚀 Features

  • ✅ Tap-reactive ripple effects with configurable properties
  • ✅ Continuous wave animations with customizable parameters
  • ✅ Content reveal transitions with ripple effect
  • ✅ Fully compatible with any Jetpack Compose UI element
  • ✅ Easy to integrate with minimal code required

⚙️ Requirements

  • Android SDK 33+ (Android 13 Tiramisu or higher)
  • Jetpack Compose 1.4.0+

📦 Installation

Add this to your root build.gradle file:

Then, add the dependency to your module's build.gradle file:

dependencies {

🔥 How to Use

Ripple Effect (Tap Responsive)

    amplitude = 15f, 
    frequency = 20f,  
    decay = 6f,      
    speed = 2000f,    
    animationDuration = 3.5f 
) {
    // Your content here
        painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.your_image),
        contentDescription = null,
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()

Complex Wave Effect (Continuous Animation)

    speed = 0.8f,         
    strength = 25f,  
    frequency = 8f,   
    timeMultiplier = 1.2f 
) {
    // Your content here
        text = "Wavy Text Effect",
        style = MaterialTheme.typography.displayLarge,
        modifier = Modifier.padding(32.dp)

Reveal Animation (Content Transition)

    waveParams = WaveEffectParams(
        amplitude = 40f,      
        frequency = 20f,     
        decay = 5f,         
        speed = 1000f,     
        duration = 3f       
    revealParams = RevealTransitionParams(
        speed = 1200f,     
        frequency = 40f,    
        wiggleStrength = 38f, 
        edgeWidth = 0f,    
        duration = 3f,     
        transitionDelay = 200 
    firstContent = {
        // First content to show/hide
    secondContent = {
        // Second content to reveal

🎛️ Advanced Customization

All effects support complete shader customization by providing your own GLSL shader code:

    rippleShaderCode = """
        uniform shader inputShader;
        uniform float2 uOrigin;
        uniform float uTime;
        // Your custom shader code here
    // Other parameters...
) {
    // Your content

👨‍💻 Full API Reference


Parameter Type Default Description
amplitude Float 12f Controls the height of the ripple waves
frequency Float 15f Controls how many ripple waves appear
decay Float 8f Controls how quickly the ripple fades out
speed Float 1800f Controls how fast the ripple propagates
animationDuration Float 3f Duration of the ripple animation in seconds
rippleShaderCode String? null Custom shader code
modifier Modifier Modifier Compose modifier


Parameter Type Default Description
speed Float 0.5f Controls how fast the waves move
strength Float 18f Controls the amplitude of the waves
frequency Float 10f Controls how many waves appear
timeMultiplier Float 1f Controls how time affects the animation
waveShaderCode String? null Custom shader code
modifier Modifier Modifier Compose modifier


Parameter Type Default Description
waveParams WaveEffectParams default Configuration for the wave ripple effect
revealParams RevealTransitionParams default Configuration for the reveal transition
firstContent @Composable required The initial content to be replaced
secondContent @Composable required The content to be revealed
modifier Modifier Modifier Compose modifier


Parameter Type Default Description
amplitude Float 40f Controls wave height
frequency Float 20f Controls ripple density
decay Float 5f Controls ripple fade-out speed
speed Float 1000f Controls propagation speed
duration Float 3f Animation duration in seconds


Parameter Type Default Description
speed Float 1200f Controls reveal animation speed
frequency Float 40f Controls edge wave frequency
amplitude Float 30.5f Controls edge wave height
edgeWidth Float 0f Controls transition edge width
wiggleStrength Float 38.0f Controls edge distortion intensity
duration Float 3f Animation duration in seconds
transitionDelay Long 200 Delay before transition starts (ms)

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page if you want to contribute.

📝 License

Copyright © 2025 Mejdi Hafiene.
This project is MIT licensed.