Android Project To-Do App
Create your own custom application icon (5pts)
Make sure that the designed UI is professional looking, quality (18pts)
The project must use gestures (8pts) ---> Modify items
The project must use RecyclerView (5pts) ---> List items
The project must use Fragments (10 pts).
The project must use SQLite database (8pts) --> Item attributes
The project must use JSON parsing to display some information (15pts). --> Reading & Displaying database items
The project must use Service (use IntentService) to handle background operation (15pts).
The project must use sound file (4pts).
The project must use at least one extra package (3pts).
The project must use at least one extra jar file (external library) (5pts).
Provide a brief testing report of your application against multiple real mobile devices by using AWS Device Farm. (5pts)
You need to upload your project to google market. (5pts).