Provides a venue for creating and maintaining news posts inside Melis Platform
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your machine.
The following modules need to be installed to have Melis CMS News module run:
- Melis core
- Melis engine
- Melis front
- Melis CMS
Run the composer command:
composer require melisplatform/melis-cms-news
Database model is accessible via the MySQL Workbench file:
Database will be installed through composer and its hooks.
In case of problems, SQL files are located here:
- News tool
- Latest news plugin
- News list plugin
- News details plugin
Provides the user with the basic actions in managing news posts such as:
- Creation
- user can create a news post in the available languages.
- Edition
- user can manage the news post's publish date, titles, contents, or attach post-specific media(images, files, etc.).
- Deletion
- user can delete a news post.
File: /melis-cms-news/src/Service/MelisCmsNewsService.php
- This service can be used inside other modules like so:
// Get the service
$newsService = $this->getServiceManager()->get('MelisCmsNewsService');
- Common methods the service offers are as follows:
- Get news post details: getNewsById(...)
- Get a list of posts: getNewsList(...)
- Delete a post: deleteNewsById(...)
- For a more detailed information on the methods, please visit the file.
- Melis Technology -
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the OSL-3.0 License - see the file for details