MelisCmsSlider provides a full Slider system for Melis Platform, including templating plugins.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your machine.
This Melis Platform module is made to work with the MelisCore.
You will need to install melisplatform/melis-cms in order to have this module running.
This will automatically be done when using composer.
Run the composer command:
composer require melisplatform/melis-cms-slider
See Full documentation on Melis CMS Slider here
Database model is accessible on the MySQL Workbench file:
Database will be installed through composer and its hooks.
In case of problems, SQL files are located here:
- Slider Tool
- Melis Templating Slider Plugin (SliderShow)
- News with Sliders when MelisCmsNews Module is installed
MelisCmsSlider provides many services to be used in other modules:
- MelisCmsNewsService
Services to retrieve lists of sliders, slider details and save sliders
File: /melis-cms-slider/src/Service/MelisCmsSliderService.php
// Get the service
$sliderService = $this->getServiceManager()->get('MelisCmsSliderService');
// Get slider by id
$data = $sliderService->getSlider($sliderId);
All Melis CMS Slider forms are built using Form Factories.
All form configuration are available in the file: /melis-cms-slider/config/app.forms.php
Any module can override or add items in this form by building the keys in an array and marge it in the Module.php config creation part.
return array(
'plugins' => array(
// MelisCmsNews array
'MelisCmsSlider' => array(
// Form key
'forms' => array(
// MelisCmsNews Properties form
'MelisTechnologySlider_details_form' => array(
'attributes' => array(
'name' => 'sliderDetailsForm',
'id' => 'sliderDetailsForm',
'enctype' => "multipart/form-data",
'method' => 'POST',
'action' => '',
'hydrator' => 'Laminas\Hydrator\ArraySerializableHydrator',
'elements' => array(
'spec' => array(
'input_filter' => array(
'mcsdetail_id' => array(
MelisCmsSlider provides form elements to be used in forms:
- CmsSliderSelect: a dropdown to select a slider
Most services trigger events so that the behavior can be modified.
public function attach(EventManagerInterface $events)
$sharedEvents = $events->getSharedManager();
$callBackHandler = $sharedEvents->attach(
$sm = $e->getTarget()->getEvent()->getApplication()->getServiceManager()
$sm = $e->getTarget()->getEvent()->getApplication()->getServiceManager()
$params = $e->getParams();
// Custom code here
$this->listeners[] = $callBackHandler;
- Melis Technology -
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the OSL-3.0 License - see the file for details