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This module enables the possibility to use twig within Melis Templates


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Melis CMS Twig

Extends Twig's functionalities to offer an alternative rendering strategy. This module is based on ZendFramework's ZfcTwig.

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your machine.


Run the composer command:

composer require melisplatform/melis-cms-twig


Basic usage inside Melis Platform

By default, Melis CMS Twig can be used to render a page inside Melis CMS by performing the following:

I. Base Template creation

This base template will be extended by a child layout.

  1. Inside your site's layout view folder, create a view file with a twig file extension:


    This template must be registered in your site module's configuration:

    // inside module.config.php
    return [
        'view_manager' => [
          'template_map' => [
              'MyDemoSiteName/defaultTwigLayout' => __DIR__ . '/../view/layout/defaultLayout.twig',

    Possible contents of a base template can be seen in this sample: defaultTwigLayout.twig

II. Child Template creation

For this example, we will be creating a "Home" page.

  1. Inside your site's view folder, create a new file:


    Sample child templates: index.twig or news-list.twig

  2. Inside Melis Platform, go to MelisCms > Site Tools > Template manager, and add a New template.

    • Site: My Demo Site Name
    • Template type: Twig
    • Layout: defaultTwigLayout
    • Controller: Home
    • Action: myIndex

    Layout shall be the base template's name as registered in your module configuration. In other words, MyDemoSiteName/defaultTwigLayout.

    Action shall be the child template's comma-separated filename, transformed into Camel Case.

    Inside Home Controller, implement a method named myIndexAction(...).

III. Twig a page
  1. Inside Melis Platform, go to MelisCms > Site tree view. Create a new page.

  2. Set the page's Template to your child template from the previous step. Select Draft to save & reload the Page.

    Note: To enable Twig rendering in front, enable Melis CMS Twig in in your site's module.load.php.

    return [

Using View Helpers

Inside your twig templates, Melis CMS Twig provides access to various View Helpers:

  • Laminas View Helpers (Layout, Doctype, etc.)

    {# Generating Styles & JS in the <head> #}
    {{ headLink() }}
    {{ headScript() }}
    {# Using a layout variable #}
    {{ layout().myVar }}
  • Melis Helpers (MelisTag, MelisDragDropZone, etc.)

    {# Displaying an editable text area (editable in back office only) #}
    {{ MelisTag(myPageId, "my-footer-title", "textarea", "My Cool Default Title") }}
    {# Setting a form's action via MelisLink, with configuration from Melis' SiteConfig helper #}
    <form action="{{ MelisLink(SiteConfig('search_result_page_id'), false) }}" method="get">
  • Melis Plugins (MelisCmsNewsListPlugin, MelisCmsNewsLatestPlugin, & more)

    {# Displaying a news list from MelisCmsNews, with parameters passed from controller #}
    {{ MelisCmsNewsListPlugin(listNewsParameters) }}

Converting a Melis Plugin

To make use of Melis Plugins inside Twig templates, convert them as view helpers.

I. Helper creation

  1. Create/Copy the helper class that extends Laminas's AbstractHelper.

  2. Implement the __invoke method that it calls your plugin: ServiceManager->get('ControllerPluginManager')->get('YourPlugin').

  3. return the result of ViewRenderer->render(YourPlugin).

II. Helper Factory creation

  1. Create/Copy the helper factory class that implements Laminas's FactoryInterface

  2. Implement the createService method that it instantiates the Helper from the previous step, passing all the needed parameters.

    return new YourPluginHelper($serviceManager, $var1, $var2);

III. Helper Registration

The conversion process actually creates a Twig function injected inside Melis CMS Twig's Environment via ZF2's View Helper Manager. This is the reason why you need to register your plugin under the view_helpers key.

  1. Under your site's configuration (my-demo-site-name\config\module.config.php), register your plugin's helper:

    'view_helpers' => [
        'factories' => [
            'YourPlugin' => 'MelisYourModule\View\Helper\Factory\YourPluginHelperFactory',
    'view_manager' => [...],


These documentations mainly helped in understanding & implementing the module:


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Melis Technology premium versions end user license agreement (EULA) - see the file for details


This module enables the possibility to use twig within Melis Templates







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