Laravel module handling the request of melisplatform/melis-platform-framework-laravel-demo-tool
to display the list of data using a Database query with the Laminas Database connection configuration
and the Laminas Service manager
The requirements for this module are:
- melisplatform/melis-platform-framework-laravel-demo-tool
- melisplatform/melis-platform-framework-laravel
It will automatically be done when using composer.
Before installing this package, this required to create first the Laravel skeleton in /thirdparty/Laravel
then let Composer class mapping to be added to the autoloader, otherwise composer will interrupted
an error message on your command line and stop the current execution.
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
Once it done, you can now run the following composer command:
composer require melisplatform/melis-platform-framework-laravel-demo-tool-logic
Activating the Service provider by just adding to the config/app.php
file in the
Service Providers section.
This module handles a single route. See Routes/web.php
Route::get('/melis/laravel-list', 'IndexController@list');
- Melis Technology -
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the OSL-3.0 License - see the file for details