An Ansible role that installs Amazon AWS Command Line Interface and restores (imports) individual MySQL database backups from Amazon S3.
The role assumes you already have MySQL installed.
Only GPG encrypted backups can currently be restored, you will need to have created the GPG credentials for this too.
It is recommended that you create a user with locked down permissions.
Below is a policy named AmazonS3ReadAccess-[bucket-name]
that can be used to provide limited (create/list/put) access to the
bucket [bucket-name]
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [ "s3:ListBucket" ],
"Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::[bucket-name]" ]
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ],
"Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::[bucket-name]/*" ]
Additionally, you may wish to consider bucket versioning and lifecycles within S3.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see
mysql_restore_name: "mysql-s3-restore"
Name used to identify this role, used for default directory, file and aws profile naming.
mysql_restore_aws_profile: "{{ mysql_restore_name }}"
For separation we create a new AWS profile for this script context, you
could set this to "default"
to ignore profiles.
mysql_restore_aws_access_key: False
Your Amazon AWS access key.
mysql_restore_aws_secret_key: False
Your Amazon AWS secret key.
mysql_restore_aws_region: eu-west-1
Region name where the S3 bucket is located.
mysql_restore_aws_format: text
Output format from the AWS CLI.
mysql_restore_dir: "~/{{ mysql_restore_name }}"
Directory used to store downloaded SQL backups.
mysql_restore_system_user: root
User that will own the AWS CLI profile.
mysql_restore_innodb_row_format: False
Use a ROW_FORMAT value to attempt setting the ROW_FORMAT for any CREATE TABLE statement.
To enable compression across all tables, you could set this to "COMPRESSED". Please note,
this would require you to have innodb_file_format=Barracuda
in your my.cnf.
mysql_restore_remove_imported: True
By default, the original downloaded file and uncompressed versions are deleted after they
are processed. Using False
will keep these files in place.
mysql_restore_databases: []
Optional list of databases you wish to restore, specified without the extension. If no databases are deinfed, every database in the S3 bucket will be downloaded.
mysql_restore_exclude_inserts: {}
# mysql_restore_exclude_inserts:
# database_name_a:
# - table_name_a
# - table_name_b
# database_name_b:
# - table_name_c
Optional hash / dict of database tables to exclude from the data import. Note that the download process will still download the data from S3.
mysql_restore_s3_bucket: False
mysql_restore_s3_bucket_parent: False
Path to your S3 backups bucket. Only set one of these values. If you set the s3_backup_parent_url it will expect this to contain a collection of sub folders, e.g. daily backups, and will choose the latest (last in the list). If you set s3_backup_url this should be a specific backup folder. It assumes the backup folder contains one file per database, with the filename as the database name, compressed with GZ and encrypted with GPG. Each filename should be of the format databasename.sql.gz.gpg
mysql_restore_s3_backup_extension: ".sql.gz.gpg"
Extension used by the backups stored in s3.
mysql_restore_gpg_secret_key: False
GPG secret key that the backups are encrypted for.
mysql_restore_gpg_secret_dest: "~/{{ mysql_restore_name }}-gpg.asc"
Location used to store the GPG secret key.
- hosts: mysql-servers
- vars/main.yml
- memiah.mysql-s3-restore
Inside vars/main.yml
mysql_restore_aws_access_key: "access_key_here"
mysql_restore_aws_secret_key: "secret_key_here"
mysql_restore_aws_region: eu-west-1
mysql_restore_innodb_row_format: COMPRESSED
mysql_restore_s3_bucket_parent: my-bucket/mysql-backups
mysql_restore_gpg_secret_key: |
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -
This role was created in 2016 by Memiah Limited.