📜 Memory stack is a developer oriented, social journaling platform.
- Open your terminal
- Log your thought
- See your log being read by the world
- ✨ Magic ✨
- Explore random events in the life of people across the globe.
- Minimal user interface.
- Explore "a moment" in the life of other users or "delve" into their stack of memories!
- mstak log "Emacs sucks!"...its that simple to make a small talk!
- Login, push your logs, monitor log histories, logout all of it from CLI!
Memory Stack requires Node.js to run.
Visit Memory stack signup page and create an account.
Install the mstak NPM package globally.
npm install -g mstak
If the above command gives error
sudo npm install -g mstak
If the above two commands give error
sudo npm install -g mstak --unsafe
Login into the mstak CLI application using the credentials created above.
mstak login
Push your first log.
mstak log "this is my very first log"
Memory stack's CLI is used to log your thoughts on to the web. All the CLI commands are listed below.
Command | Input | Details | Demo |
login | none | Login into the CLI. | mstak login |
logout | none | Logs out the current user. | mstak logout |
log | Your log in double quotes | Push log to the cloud. | mstak log "my first log" |
logs | none | Lists all the logs you've pushed today. | mstak logs |
setbio | Your desired bio | Changes your current bio to the desired bio. | mstak setbio "A passionate developer from India, trying to make a difference!" |
set color | none | Lists different colors to choose from | mstak set color |
Format : mstak command input
This is how to use the web interface of Memory stack
Endpoint | Details | Example |
/username | Displays the logged dates of the specified user | https://memorystack.live/void |
/username/date/logs | Displays the logs of a specified date and user | https://memorystack.live/void/14-12-2021/logs |
/signup | Create an account | https://memorystack.live/signupPage |
Memory Stack uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- ReactJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- Node.js - evented I/O for the backend & CLI application.
- Express - fast node.js network app framework @tjholowaychuk
Memory stack is just an infant right now. We need you to make it something big.
Made with contrib.rocks.
Free Software, Hell Yeah!