Quiz Club is one of the prominent clubs of IIT BHU. This website is designed to host students intrested in quizzing on behalf of Quiz club IIT BHU.
- HTML to provide the skeleton for the web-page.
- CSS to provide the skin and visual appeal.
- Javascript to fetch the practice questions using API from opendb.com
The Navigation Bar
- Use the
navigation button
to jump into different sections of the website
- Use the
Different Sections
- Practice Section designed to host practice questions.
- Leaderboard Section designed to host top performing players (not functional now).
- Live Quiz section to let the club conduct live quizzes from its own website (not functional now).
- Login and signup for users.
- Go to practice section and click
Practice Now>>
button. - A new webpage will open containing
10 questions
from different categories. -After attemptiong all the questions final score is displayed along withPlay Again!
- Add difficulty and choose category option in practice now webpage.
- Create a firebase authentication to register users.
- Create a leaderboard of users.
- redirect users after entering live quiz code in live quiz section to Live Quiz conducting websites.