Implement AlexNet from scratch and transfer learning via ResNet to obtain >90% accuracy on detecting whether input image is a dog or cat:
- Built raw images into
dataset suitable for training a deep neural network. - Built mean subtraction, patch, and over-sampling pre-processors designed to increase the classification accuracy.
- Defined a
dataset generator class responsible for yielding batches of images and labels fromHDF5
dataset. - Constructed AlexNet from scratch.
- Trained and evaluated AlexNet by using the training, validation, and testing sets.
- Extracted features by using ResNet.
- Trained and evaluated a logistic regression classifier by using the extracted features from previous step.
- Python 3.6
- OpenCV 3.4.4
- keras 2.2.4
- Tensorflow 1.12.0
- cuda toolkit 9.0
- cuDNN 7.1.2
- scikit-learn 0.20.2
- Imutils
- NumPy
The dataset is from Kaggle Dogs vs. Cats, which contains 25,000 color images of dogs and cats.
Figure 1 shows examples of the cat and the dog.
Figure 1: Cat (left) and Dog (right) examples from dataset.
(check here) under config/
directory stores all relevant configurations for the project, including the paths to input images, total number of class labels, information on the training, validation, and testing splits, path to the HDF5 datasets, and path to output models, plots, and etc.
(check here) under pipeline/io/
directory, defines a class that help to write raw images or features into HDF5
(check here) is used for serializing the raw images into an HDF5
dataset. Although Keras
has methods that can allow us to use the raw file paths on disk as input to the training process, this method is highly inefficient. Each and every image residing on disk requires an I/O operation which introduces latency into training pipeline. Not only is HDF5
capable of storing massive dataset, but it is optimized for I/O operations.
Caution: after running the following command, we will have train.hdf5
about 30G, val.hdf5
and test.hdf5
each about 4G.
(check here) under pipeline/preprocessing/
directory subtracts the mean red, green, and blue pixel intensties across the training set, which is a form of data normalization. Mean subtraction is used to reduce the affects of lighting variations during classification.
The dogs_vs_cats_mean.json
(check here) under output/
directory will have mean red, green, and blue pixel intensities across the training set when we build the HDF5
(check here) under pipeline/preprocessing/
directory is used to randomly extract MxN pixel regions from an image during training (another type of data augmentation). We apply patch preprocessing when the spatial dimensions of our input images are larger than what the CNN architecture expects. Such preprocessor can help to avoid overfitting.
(check here) under pipeline/preprocessing/
directory used at testing time to sample five regions of an input image (four corners + center area) along with their corresponding horizontal flips (for total 10 crops). These 10 samples will be passed through the CNN and then the probabilities averaged. Apply this over-sampling methods tends to increase the classification about 1-2 percent.
These three pre-processors can help to increase the classification accuracy.
There are some other pre-processors including:
(check here) under pipeline/preprocessing/
directory defines a class to change the size of image.
(check here) under pipeline/preprocessing/
directory defines a class to change the size of image with respect to aspect ratio of the image.
(check here) under pipeline/preprocessing/
directory defines a class to convert the image dataset into keras-compatile arrays.
(check here) under pipeline/io/
directory yields batches of images and labels from HDF5
dataset. This class can help to facilitate our ability to work with datasets that are too big to fit into memory.
The AlexNet architecture can be found in
(check here) under pipeline/nn/conv/
directory. The input to the model includes dimensions of the image (height, width, depth, and number of classes). In this project, the input would be (width = 227, height = 227, depth = 3, classes = 2). And L2 regularization is used (default value 0.0002).
Table 1 shows the architecture of AlexNet. The activation and batch normalization layer is not shown in the table, which should be after each CONV
layer and FC
layer. The ReLU
activation function is used in the project.
Layer Type | Output Size | Filter Size / Stride |
Input Image | 227 x 227 x 3 | |
CONV | 55 x 55 x 96 | 11 x 11 / 4 x 4, K = 96 |
POOL | 27 x 27 x 96 | 3 x 3 / 2 x 2 |
DROPOUT | 27 x 27 x 96 | |
CONV | 27 x 27 x 256 | 5 x 5, K = 256 |
POOL | 13 x 13 x 256 | 3 x 3 / 2 x 2 |
DROPOUT | 13 x 13 x 256 | |
CONV | 13 x 13 x 384 | 3 x 3, K = 384 |
CONV | 13 x 13 x 384 | 3 x 3, K = 384 |
CONV | 13 x 13 x 384 | 3 x 3, K = 256 |
POOL | 13 x 13 x 256 | 3 x 3 / 2 x 2 |
DROPOUT | 6 x 6 x 256 | |
FC | 4096 | |
DROPOUT | 4096 | |
FC | 4096 | |
DROPOUT | 4096 | |
FC | 2 | |
softmax | 2 |
Table 1: Architecture of AlexNet.
(check here) is responsible for training the model, plotting the training loss and accuracy curve (for both training and validation sets), and serializing the model to disk.
(check here) under pipeline/callbacks/
directory create a TrainingMonitor
callback that will be called at the end of every epoch when training a network. The monitor will construct a plot of training loss and accuracy. Applying such callback during training will enable us to babysit the training process and spot overfitting early, allowing us to abort the experiment and continue trying to tune parameters.
We can use the following command to train the network.
(check here) evaluates the model by using the testing set.
(check here) under pipeline/utils/
directory contains a helper function to measure both the rank-1 and rank-5 accuracy when the model is evaluated by using testing set.
We can use the following command to evaluate the network.
(check here) implements transfer learning, which extracts features via ResNet50
We can use the following command to extract features from dataset.
python --dataset dataset/kaggle_dogs_vs_cats/train --output output datasets/kaggle_dogs_vs_cats/hdf5/features.hdf5
(check here) trains a logistic regression classifier by using the features extracted from previous step, uses grid search to find optimal C
value, and evaluates the classifier, and finally serialize the model to disk. The grid search could take a quite long time and large memory to proceed, which might not work in any situation. If grid search does not work, then we could just use Logistic Regression.
We can use the following command to train and evaluate logistic regression classifier.
python --db datasets/kaggle_dogs_vs_cats/hdf5/features.hdf5 --model dogs_vs_cats.cpickle
Figure 2 shows the plot of training loss and accuracy for 75 epochs. Figure 3 demonstrates the rank-1 accuracy without/with using over-sampling pre-processor. With using over-sampling in testing set, we can boost accuracy about 1%, from 92.55% to 93.76%.
Figure 2: Plot of training loss and accuracy (training + validation sets).
Figure 3: rank-1 accuracy without/with using over-sampling pre-processor.
Figure 4 illustrates the evaluation of the Logistic Regression. By using transfer learning technique (feature extraction via ResNet50
), we can increase the accuracy up to 98.93%.
Figure 4: Evaluation of Logistic Regression classifier.