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Platform Engineer · Principal SWE

Solution Architect · AWS
Lua · Node · Linux · nVim

🔸 stuff I aspire 🔸

adventofcode arc arduino awesomelists c cmake cncf cplusplus creativecommons crunchbase elixir erlang gnu haskell houdini htmx hyprland k3s kubernetes leptos libuv linuxfoundation llvm mapbox mqtt nasa nim ocaml opel openapiinitiative opencollective openfaas opengl openid openjsfoundation openlayers opensourceinitiative openssl opentofu pocketbase prometheus protondb qwik rabbitmq remix rust sennheiser snowflake spacex stackshare steamdb surrealdb temporal torproject trivy turso v8 valve wasmer wayland webassembly webauthn webgl xdotorg zedindustries zig

🔹 stuff I regularly use 🔹

1dot1dot1dot1 alacritty alpinelinux archlinux asciidoctor asciinema astro authy awesomewm biome bun caldotcom cloudflarepages cloudflareworkers commitlint crunchyroll css3 cssmodules curl darkreader deno devrant docker docusaurus dota2 dotenv drizzle duckdb duckduckgo elastic elasticsearch envoyproxy esbuild eslint excalidraw fastapi ffmpeg fontbase gimp giphy git gitbook github githubactions githubpages gitkraken gitter gnubash go graphite gravatar gtk headlessui hono hoppscotch hotjar html5 iconify ifttt inkscape javascript json jsonwebtokens jsr knowledgebase koa less letsencrypt libreoffice lightning linear linux linuxcontainers linuxserver lit logseq loom lua lucia make man markdown mdx microstrategy miro mpv n8n neovim nginx nginxproxymanager ngrok nixos nodedotjs nomad notion npm observable obsidian outline p5dotjs pagerduty planetscale postgresql precommit prettier proton puppeteer qmk radixui replit rollupdotjs runkit semanticrelease semver sentry shadcnui shell signal slack spotify sqlite sst stackbit stackedit standardjs starbucks steam stencil stylelint stylus suckless svelte svg swc tauri tmux toml travisci tui unicode uniqlo vim vite wakatime webcomponentsdotorg wezterm wikidata yaml zapier zsh

🔺 stuff I moderately tolerate

amazon amazonapigateway amazoncloudwatch amazoncognito amazondocumentdb amazondynamodb amazonec2 amazonecs amazoneks amazonelasticache amazoniam amazonroute53 amazons3 amazonsimpleemailservice amazonsqs amazonwebservices antdesign anthropic apache apollographql apple argo asana auth0 awsamplify awslambda awssecretsmanager axios babel backbonedotjs bit brave buildkite calendly centos circleci clerk clickup cloudflare codesandbox couchbase crowdin datadog dbeaver debian dependabot discord electron expo express figma firefox formik gatsby genius gmail gnuemacs google googlechrome googlecloud grafana graphql hubspot icon jetbrains kibana knexdotjs kubernetes less logstash mailchimp mozilla nestjs nextdotjs nuxtdotjs openvpn owasp perl pnpm podman posthog postman pug pwa railway react reactquery redis render sass sequelize snyk solid stackexchange stackoverflow stripe supabase swagger tailwindcss terraform testinglibrary trpc twilio twitch typeorm typescript unpkg unsplash upstash vercel vuedotjs webrtc wireshark x xo ycombinator

🔻 stuff I actively avoid 🔻

adobe angular ansible apachecordova apachejmeter atlassian bitbucket bitcoin bootstrap chef confluence digitalocean django dotnet drupal dynatrace eclipseide emberdotjs facebook firebase fishshell flask flathub flatpak githubcopilot gitlab gnome grunt gulp handlebarsdotjs hashicorp heroku hibernate insomnia instagram ionic jenkins jest jira jirasoftware jquery kde laravel lodash meta mobx mocha modx mongodb mongoose mongoosedotws mui newrelic php postcss prisma puppet python qt reddit redux relay ruby rubyonrails safari sap selenium socketdotio sonarcloud splunk springboot storybook tampermonkey tensorflow tinder vagrant web3dotjs webex webflow webpack wix wordpress youtube zoom generated this readme with markup.json from src/*.json markups

Pinned Loading

  1. markup.json markup.json Public

    DOM Markup AST representation in compact JSON ╼╾ Specification, Transformer Library and CLI

    JavaScript 12

  2. pcall.js pcall.js Public

    ✱ Minimal Result/Monad like tuples for JS

    JavaScript 3

  3. glitcher-cli glitcher-cli Public

    generate animated pseudo random glitch SVG from Unicode characters

    Shell 86 2

  4. zsh-roundy-prompt zsh-roundy-prompt Public

    Forked from nullxception/roundy

    fast • minimal • roundy prompt for ZSH in 140 LoC

    Shell 34 3

  5. glslmine glslmine Public

    Modern GLSL shader gallery

    JavaScript 17

  6. jsonresume-theme-legacy jsonresume-theme-legacy Public

    Legacy JSONResume handlebars port to Vite

    Handlebars 12