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Metarhia LISP DSL

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  • Install: npm install metalisp
  • Require: const metalisp = require('metalisp')
const { evaluate } = require('metalisp');

const program = '(+ 2 (* x 5) (- y 2))';
const context = { x: 3, y: 7 };
const result = evaluate(program, context);


  • +: Adds two or more numbers.
  • -: Subtracts the second and subsequent numbers from the first.
  • *: Multiplies two or more numbers.
  • /: Divides the first number by the second and subsequent numbers.
  • eq: Checks for strict equality between two values, returning true if equal, false otherwise.
  • list: Creates and returns a list (array) of the provided arguments.
  • car: Returns the first element (head) of a list.
  • cdr: Returns the remainder (tail) of a list after removing the first element.

License & Contributors

Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Metarhia contributors. Metalisp is MIT licensed.
Metalisp is a part of Metarhia technology stack.