- App Loader for first start.
- Fixed query direction switch functionality on request. The default direction now will be 'Backwards'.
- Added qryn-view version visible.
- One time picker for each query:
- Now each query has it's own time picker
- Sync time ranges button:
- A button to sync all time ranges with the time range of current query.
Operations for Metrics Data Source:
All the available metrics operations for the metrics form builder
- #286 Aggregations for Metrics
- #285 Range Functions for Metrics
- #287 Functions For Metrics
- #288 Trigonometric Functions for Metrics
- #289 Time Functions for Metrics
User Roles:
- User Roles Page
- Split Plugins Page
- New Menu (simplifyed) view
- Now features have access acording to User role
- User role could be taken from cookie
- Aggregation feature will only be available at an admin user
Referring issues: