This plugin ease the integration between Grails Hibernate 2nd Level cache and Redis.
To install you need add the plugin into your BuildConfig.groovy
compile ":redis-hibernate-cache:1.0"
And also this repository to the list of repositories:
repositories {
mavenRepo ""
This is necessary in order to download some dependencies that aren't in the main maven repositories.
After this you can configure your DataSource.groovy to use the cache:
hibernate {
cache.use_second_level_cache = true
cache.use_query_cache = true
cache.region.factory_class = 'org.hibernate.cache.redis.GrailsRedisRegionFactory'
cache.region_prefix = "hibernate"
You can configure in your Config.groovy the following properties.
redis {
// Connection details (default: localhost:6379)
host = localhost
port = 6379
// Connection timeout
timeout = 2000
// Password to access Redis (optional)
password = secret
// database for hibernate cache (default 0)
expiryInSeconds {
// hiberante 2nd cache default expiry (seconds)
default = 120
// expiry of hibernate.common region (seconds) // hibernate is prefix, region name is test.Author
expiryInSeconds.hibernate.test.Author = 0
// expiry of hibernate.account region (seconds) // hibernate is prefix, region name is test.Book
expiryInSeconds.hibernate.test.Book = 1200
This plugin uses under-the-hood the great hibernate-redis library by debop:
And the Java Redis library Jedis by xetorthio:
- 2014/11/XX. v1.0 - First version