Module, respectively collection of go packages concerning data structures and related algorithms.
Currently implemented are
- Stack (LIFO)
- Ring Buffer (FIFO)
- Linked List
- Heap
- Graph
func ExampleStack() {
// Create stack and initially push some elements -> 10 on top
s := stack.NewStack(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
s.Push(20) // pushes 20 on top of the stack
fmt.Println(s.Pop()) // pop top element (ouputs 20)
fmt.Println(s.Peek(0)) // peek on top element without removing it from stack (outputs 10)
// Output:
// 20
// 10
func ExampleNewRingBufferWithFixedCapacity() {
// Creates ring buffer (FIFO) with fixed capacity of 5 elements
rFixed := ringbuffer.NewRingBufferWithFixedCapacity[int](5)
// Push 5 elements into the ring buffer
rFixed.Push(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
rFixed.Push(6) // pushing another element 6 drops element 1, because ring buffer is full
for rFixed.Len() > 0 {
fmt.Printf("%v ", rFixed.Pop())
// Output: 2 3 4 5 6
š” Using
instead ofNewRingBufferWithFixedCapacity(capacity int)
creates a ring buffer that dynamically grows and won't drop elements.
func Example() {
// Create linked list and return head element
l1 := linkedlist.NewElement(1, 2, 3, 4)
l5 := linkedlist.NewElement(5)
l6 := linkedlist.NewElement(6, 7, 8, 9)
next := l1
for i := 1; next != nil; i++ {
fmt.Printf("%v,", next.Data)
next = next.Next()
// Output: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,
func Example() {
// Create new heap with providing an appropricate less function and the heap's inital elements
h := heap.NewMaxHeap(func(a int, b int) bool { return a < b }, 10, 20, 15, 12, 40, 25, 18, 19)
// Heap then looks like this:
// ___40___
// / \
// 25 19
// / \ / \
// 20 10 18 15
fmt.Println(h.Peek()) // In a max heap the first element is always the biggest
fmt.Println(h.Sort()) // Sort the heap's slice. This method breaks the heap
h.Heapify() // Heapify repairs the heap's order e.g. after calling Sort method
// Pop all elements until heap is empty
for h.Len() > 0 {
e := h.Pop()
fmt.Printf("%v ", e)
// Output:
// 40
// [10 12 15 18 19 20 25 40]
// 99 40 25 20 19 18 15 12 10
func Example_graph_traversal() {
// See this great video about graph traversal:
// G_____A_____H
// / / \ /
// / / \ /
// F C_____B
// \ / /
// \ / /
// D_____E
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H :=
graph.NewNode("A"), graph.NewNode("B"), graph.NewNode("C"),
graph.NewNode("D"), graph.NewNode("E"), graph.NewNode("F"),
graph.NewNode("G"), graph.NewNode("H")
graph.LinkNodes(true, graph.LinkMap[string]{
A: {{G, 1}, {C, 2}, {B, 3}, {H, 4}},
B: {{E, 1}, {C, 2}, {H, 3}},
C: {{D, 1}},
D: {{F, 1}, {E, 2}},
F: {{G, 0}},
// Traverse the graph
visitFunc := func(n *graph.Node[string]) {
fmt.Println("Traversing graph via DFS:")
fmt.Println("Traversing graph via BFS:")
// Output:
// A -> [G(1) C(2) B(3) H(4)]
// B -> [E(1) C(2) H(3) A(3)]
// C -> [D(1) A(2) B(2)]
// D -> [F(1) C(1) E(2)]
// E -> [B(1) D(2)]
// F -> [G(0) D(1)]
// G -> [F(0) A(1)]
// H -> [B(3) A(4)]
// Traversing graph via DFS:
// A -> [G(1) C(2) B(3) H(4)]
// G -> [F(0) A(1)]
// F -> [G(0) D(1)]
// D -> [F(1) C(1) E(2)]
// C -> [D(1) A(2) B(2)]
// B -> [E(1) C(2) H(3) A(3)]
// E -> [B(1) D(2)]
// H -> [B(3) A(4)]
// Traversing graph via BFS:
// A -> [G(1) C(2) B(3) H(4)]
// H -> [B(3) A(4)]
// B -> [E(1) C(2) H(3) A(3)]
// C -> [D(1) A(2) B(2)]
// G -> [F(0) A(1)]
// E -> [B(1) D(2)]
// D -> [F(1) C(1) E(2)]
// F -> [G(0) D(1)]
func Example_dijkstra() {
// O _____ N _____ J _______ C _____ E _____ Z
// \ ā· / ā¶ / \ / / \ ā¶ / ā· /
// Ā¹ā°\ /āµ /āµ \ā /Ā³ ā/ ā\ /Ā¹ā° /āā
// \ / / \ / / \ / /
// M I A _____ B D _____ F
// / / \ / \ Ā¹ / / ā·
// ā/ /āµ \ā /Ā² \ā
/Ā² ā/
// / / \ / \ / /
// L _____ K H S _____ G
// ā¶ ā“
E, F, C, D, G, B, S, A, H, J, I, K, L, M, N, O, Z :=
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("E", 7)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("F", 10)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("C", 11)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("D", 15)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("G", 20)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("B", 20)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("S", 22)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("A", 21)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("H", 23)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("J", 25)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("I", 26)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("K", 28)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("L", 30)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("M", 32)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("N", 28)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("O", 32)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("Z", 0))
graph.LinkNodes(true, graph.LinkMap[*HNode]{
Z: {{E, 7}, {F, 11}},
D: {{E, 10}, {F, 7}, {C, 4}, {G, 2}},
B: {{C, 9}, {S, 2}, {A, 1}},
S: {{G, 4}, {A, 5}},
A: {{C, 3}, {H, 2}, {J, 4}},
I: {{J, 5}, {H, 3}, {K, 5}},
N: {{J, 6}, {M, 0}, {O, 7}},
L: {{M, 3}, {K, 6}},
route, steps := S.Dijkstra(Z)
fmt.Printf("total costs %v: %v (visited nodes: %v)\n", route.TotalCosts(), route, steps)
// Output:
// total costs 23: [S(22)(0) G(20)(4) D(15)(2) E(7)(10) Z(0)(7)] (visited nodes: 40)
type HNode struct {
name string
heuristic int
func NewHNode(name string, heuristic int) *HNode {
return &HNode{name, heuristic}
func (hn *HNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v)",, hn.heuristic)
func Example_astar() {
// O _____ N _____ J _______ C _____ E _____ Z
// \ ā· / ā¶ / \ / / \ ā¶ / ā· /
// Ā¹ā°\ /āµ /āµ \ā /Ā³ ā/ ā\ /Ā¹ā° /āā
// \ / / \ / / \ / /
// M I A _____ B D _____ F
// / / \ / \ Ā¹ / / ā·
// ā/ /āµ \ā /Ā² \ā
/Ā² ā/
// / / \ / \ / /
// L _____ K H S _____ G
// ā¶ ā“
E, F, C, D, G, B, S, A, H, J, I, K, L, M, N, O, Z :=
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("E", 7)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("F", 10)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("C", 11)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("D", 15)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("G", 20)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("B", 20)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("S", 22)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("A", 21)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("H", 23)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("J", 25)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("I", 26)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("K", 28)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("L", 30)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("M", 32)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("N", 28)), graph.NewNode(NewHNode("O", 32)),
graph.NewNode(NewHNode("Z", 0))
graph.LinkNodes(true, graph.LinkMap[*HNode]{
Z: {{E, 7}, {F, 11}},
D: {{E, 10}, {F, 7}, {C, 4}, {G, 2}},
B: {{C, 9}, {S, 2}, {A, 1}},
S: {{G, 4}, {A, 5}},
A: {{C, 3}, {H, 2}, {J, 4}},
I: {{J, 5}, {H, 3}, {K, 5}},
N: {{J, 6}, {M, 0}, {O, 7}},
L: {{M, 3}, {K, 6}},
route, steps := S.AStar(Z, func(n *graph.Node[*HNode]) int {
return n.Data.heuristic
fmt.Printf("total costs %v: %v (visited nodes: %v)\n", route.TotalCosts(), route, steps)
// Output:
// total costs 23: [S(22)(0) G(20)(4) D(15)(2) E(7)(10) Z(0)(7)] (visited nodes: 8)