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Micah's Dotfiles

Preview of my NVChad setup for reference.

My personal dotfiles for macOS. This repository contains my configurations for Neovim, Vim, Hammerspoon, and the terminal. I have included a bootstrap script that will create the necessary symlinks for the configurations.

Note: This repository is a work in progress and is constantly being updated. Additionally, if you want to give these dotfiles a try, I recommend forking and reviewing the code before giving them a whirl.

Setup Steps

1. Install Apple Command Line Tools

This will provide you with essential tools like git.

xcode-select --install

2. Clone Dotfiles Repo

Clone your dotfiles repository into a new hidden directory.

git clone ~/.dotfiles

3. Initialize and Update Submodules

Initialize and update the git submodules to include dependencies like Vundle and YouCompleteMe.

cd ~./dotfiles
git submodule update --init --recursive

4. Install Homebrew

Only if it's not already installed.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

5. Install Oh My Zsh

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

6. Install Packages and Apps with Homebrew (Command-Line Tools, Docker, etc.)

If you have a Brewfile in your dotfiles:

brew bundle install --file ~/.dotfiles/Brewfile

7. Install HammerSpoon

brew install --cask hammerspoon

8. Run Bootstrap Script

This will create the necessary symlinks for your configurations.

bash ~/.dotfiles/

9. Source Shell Configuration

Either open a new terminal session or source the configuration files with:

source ~/.zshrc

10. (Optional) Set Fish to Default Shell

To set Fish to be your default shell, first add the following line to /etc/shells:


Then, run the following command:

chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/fish

If necessary, change following line in the ~/.config/fish/ file in the Advanced section:

# shell .
shell /opt/homebrew/bin/fish

And that's it! If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to open an issue or contact me.


Version control for various configurations ⚙️







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